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Now Playing... If Walls Could Talk

A bitter silence rested in the air between us. The temperature in the room seemed to drop as we stared intensely at each other-- him without emotion, and me, I imagine, displaying every single one in the book. He had the audacity to come back here after abandoning me for three years, just to say we couldn't be friends anymore? Just to break his promise like it had never meant anything in the first place? The anger boiling in my veins was only a piece of everything I felt at that moment.

"What do you mean, Wes?" I questioned, my voice trembling-- whether from the anger or the tears that wanted to escape, I didn't know.

He sighed, running his fingers through his hair as his eyes grew cold. "You heard me. Being friends with you again was the worst mistake I've ever made."

I bit my lip, staring at him, but he looked away. "So, I spent three years worrying myself sick about you, waiting for you to come home, just for you to come back here and tell me you want nothing to do with me?"

"What do you want me to say, Molly?" He shrugged, glaring at me. "Maybe you shouldn't have been so dependent on me."

I bitterly laughed. "Screw you! You'll never change."

Wes' eyes grew wide, but then he quickly covered it with a glare, and I glared back before running upstairs, slamming my bedroom door to make sure he got the point. I was stupid to believe he would keep his promise, but I was even more stupid to believe he would still be the same Wes when he returned. That was my problem-- I always saw the best in people, even when they showed me worst.

In order to clear my mind, I hopped into the shower, letting the cool water wash away all the pain I had buried but that had begun to surface again. Once finished, I wrapped a towel around my body and brushed my hair before entering my room. As I changed into undergarments, I turned towards my dresser, only to see Wes leaning against my door frame, smirking as always.

"What the hell?" I screamed, shoving his chest. "Get out!"

He rolled his eyes, pinning me against the wall as his arms trapped me. "Why so nervous? I've seen you in this state before. Twice, if my memory recalls."

Tears pricked my eyes as I looked away from him. "And if my memory recalls, it was because you took advantage of me when I was completely defenseless. Now get out."

"Always twisting the story, aren't you?" He glared, his nostrils flaring. " I'll let it go for now, because I know you don't want me to get out. You want me here. It's why you were so emotional about me ending our pathetic friendship."

His smirk grew into something devious, and as his words echoed through my mind, I pushed his chest with all the strength I could muster, and he stumbled back, nearly falling onto the floor.

"Stay away from me, asshole. I want nothing to do with you anymore."

He chuckled, sarcasm oozing from him. "You and I both know that's not true."

Before I could react, he grabbed my face and crashed his lips into mine. At first, I didn't know what to do. All I knew was that I had missed the feeling, the familiarity, and I didn't want to pull away. But then I remembered the boy I loved, who would've never hurt me the way Wes so easily did, and I tried to push him away, but he wasn't having it. Wes grabbed my arms, squeezing tightly, and I whimpered, tears springing from my eyes. He loosened his grip, but then he picked me up as he kissed me and threw me on my bed. As he pulled away, his smirk grew, and he ran his fingers down my cheek.

"Imagine if your boyfriend knew how much you enjoyed that."

I wiped my mouth, pushing him off of me as I stood and quickly threw on my clothes. "You're insane if you think I enjoyed that, especially with you."

Wes smirked again. "Oh please, I can read you more than you think. Don't deny what you've always felt."

"Keep talking and I'll tell your girlfriend in London about all the things you've done to me, and what you just did."

I knew I had hit a nerve as I watched Wes' shoulders tense with anger. When Wes started ignoring me after he left for London, it wasn't just because he didn't want to talk to me, but also because he had started dating a gorgeous, tall and skinny London girl, and according to his social media, they spent most of their time with each other, and had even lived together for the last year he spent in London. I didn't care that he had a girlfriend, but it didn't mean it hurt any less when I found out she was another reason he pretended like I had never existed.

His eyes narrowed into slits, and he stepped toward me, his hands clenched into fists. "Don't play with me, Molly. You know what I'm capable of."

"Go ahead and hurt me, Wes." I glared. "It's not like I haven't already seen the worst of you."

I swore I saw a flash of emotion in his eyes, but then he rolled his eyes and walked out of my room, slamming the door, and somehow, I knew it was only the beginning of the worst to come.


"Hold on. You mean he actually had the audacity to say all that to you?" Lana's voice rang through the phone. "I thought you guys were fine when he came back?"

I sighed as I searched for the icing in the fridge. "We were, besides the fact that he ignored me for three years-- not that I told him that-- but then he started acting weird, saying how he didn't want to be friends anymore, and then... something else happened."

"Molls, don't leave me hanging! You know I live for the piping hot tea."

"It's not even piping. It's like... luke warm." I licked the chocolate icing off my spoon. "He kissed me and then we fought more."

"Ah, fantastic."

I raised my eyebrows. "Fantastic?"

"My ship is sailing."

I nearly choked on the spoon in my mouth.

"Lana, sometimes I wonder why I keep telling you about my traumas."

She busted out laughing, causing my ears to ring as I moved the phone from my ear. "You love my comments and you know it. Anyway, I'm coming over tomorrow. Make sure that hunk of deliciousness is there."

I scowled as she hung up. I was convinced Lana was blind, especially since the only hunk of deliciousness I could recall was Jungkook.

As I placed my phone in my pocket and carried my icing cup and spoon up to my room, girl giggles echoed down the hall from Wes' room, followed by a masculine moan.

Oh, for the love of icing.

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