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Now Playing... Lifeline

"Molly, I'm dying out there." Evan wheezed as he ran back into the kitchen, sweat glistening against his forehead. "There's so many people tonight!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and followed Evan towards our sections. My head was spinning from New Years. After our kiss, Wes and I didn't speak, but for the rest of the night, his lips held a small, content smile, and even though he wouldn't look at me, it felt as if a piece of my heart had been pieced back into its place.

As I made my way towards my section, I slipped, banging my head off the floor, and Evan growled as he helped me up, glaring at our coworkers. "Someone put a damn sign there!"

Evan and I sped around the restaurant, taking orders, filling drinks, delivering food, and cleaning up tables. I was cleaning a table too quickly and managed to spill a whole glass of soda on me, gasping as it seeped through my clothes and stuck to my body. I took the cups and plates back to the kitchen, and pulled my shirt from my skin, groaning as it clung against me.

"You're having a rough day, munchkin." Evan patted my shoulder as he took another order out of the kitchen.

I sighed. "No kidding."

After eight grueling hours, the restaurant closed and Evan and I began to clean up. Once we were finished cleaning, I glanced at my phone, noticing the time was close to nine at night, and I immediately freaked out. I had promised Wes I would be home by seven-thirty, eight at the latest, and here I was, nearly two hours late. As I reached the house, I quickly walked into the living room to see Wes sitting on the couch, a deep frown embedded on his face. "You're late."

I sighed as I sat beside him, resting my head on his shoulder. "I know. I'm sorry."

He crossed his arms over his chest, his body tense. "You'll have to suffer the consequences."

"Dammit, Wes. It's always about the consequences!" I yelled, standing in front of him so he could see my uniform. "I can't help that I had to work. I can't help that I had to stay over because it's my job. I'm tired, Wes. I go to school, and then to work, and then home for you every day, and it's never enough. I don't know what more you want from me."

His jaw ticked as he took in my appearance, and then he closed his eyes, sighing. My lip trembled as I waited for him to leave, but then he took me by surprise when he stood and wrapped me in his embrace. He pressed my head against his chest, running his fingers through my hair. "I'm sorry, Molls. I didn't mean to upset you. I know you work hard, and I don't deserve your help. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, okay. Just do your stupid consequences so I can go to sleep."

He grabbed my chin, tiling my head towards his. "You don't have consequences. We're done with them. Just lay with me."

He pecked my lips before pulling his shirt over his head and handing it to me. I stared in shock as he sat on the couch, staring at me expectantly, and then I sighed, slipping off my sticky work shirt. I threw it to the side before tugging his shirt over my head, and then he grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the couch with him. I wrapped my arms around him, burying my head in his chest, and he held me tightly. The last thing I remembered before I fell asleep was the gentle kiss he pressed against my forehead, and the sound of his soft heartbeat.


The next morning, I awoke in my bed, the spot beside me empty. Sighing, I walked downstairs to see that no one was home except for me. On the table, I found a note.

Went to pick up Nova from a friend's. I'll be home soon. -Wes

Just as I was about to grab something to eat, the doorbell rang, and I walked out to open the front door, only to be greeted with Mason's face.

"Mason." I glared, and he looked at me, shooting me a small smile before tucking his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, Molly. I wanted to talk to you."

I hesitantly moved away from the door as he walked in. "Go ahead."

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I know I shouldn't have, but I was stupid and didn't know any better." He ran his fingers through his hair, biting the inside of his cheek. "I honestly did love you, though. I know we don't have a chance now, and I'm okay with that, but can we still be friends?"

I sighed, hesitating again before shooting him a smile. "I guess so. But you have to swear you'll never do that to me again, or any other girl, because no one deserves it."

"You have my word, Molly." He chuckled as he hugged me tightly, and when we pulled away, he wiggled his eyebrows. "So... you and Wes?"

I raised my eyebrows. "What about us? We're friends."

"I don't know how you haven't seen it, Molls." He laughed, shaking his head. "Wes is in love with you. Has been for years."

My heart stopped beating.

There was absolutely no way Wes was in love with me. Not even a chance. I knew him better than anyone, and he had made it crystal clear for years that he never loved me like that.

But then again, Nova had told me the same before not to long before Mason did.

"He doesn't love me, Mason." I sadly smiled, and Mason smirked before reaching for the front door.

Before he walked away, he glanced over his shoulder, smiling softly. "You'll figure it out one day, Molly." 

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