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Music blared from downstairs as I awoke, and the other side of the bed was cold from Wes' absence. I assumed he was listening to music downstairs, until I heard a loud crash.

"Wesley Grayson, when I get a hold of you..."

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stormed downstairs, only to see groups of people everywhere. Some were dancing while others drank, and I ran back to my room to change clothes before going back downstairs. I looked around for Wes, and when I finally spotted him, he was talking to a guy from English class. I grabbed his arm, pulling him away.

"Oh, hey! You're finally up!" Wes smiled brightly, and I glared.

"Why are you throwing a party?" I hissed, crossing my arms over my chest. "At my house?"

He busted out laughing. "Your house? Molls, I live here too. Since when did you become my mom?"

"Whatever." I mumbled, frowning. The new Wes was back, and I hated it more than anything. "At least tell me you're not drunk."

He smiled softly, pressing a quick but gentle kiss against my lips. "I'm not. I promise." He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before I sat at the island in the kitchen. "If it makes you feel any better, I invited Mason."

As Wes walked away, Mason entered the kitchen, smiling as he left a lingering kiss on my lips. "Hey, babe. I missed you."

I mustered up a smile, but oddly enough, I didn't enjoy the kiss like I usually did. As much as I hated to admit it, a part of me wished it was Wes.

"I missed you too..."

Mason hugged me, and I wrapped my arms around his waist, but I still felt nothing-- not like I did with Wes. I wanted to cry. Mason was my boyfriend, yet the only one I felt something with was the guy who hated me. Oh, the irony.

"Well, well, well," Wes whistled as he leaned against the archway of the kitchen. "If it isn't my good pal Mason."

"I'd say something back, but the fact that Molly is mine and not yours should be enough." Mason smirked, while I sat there completely confused.

Wes chuckled. "You think I care? I don't want her."

I frowned behind Mason's back. A part of me had believed he wasn't completely using me, even though that was the deal. The way he acted with me made me think that maybe he was being genuine, but somehow, I was always proved wrong. Every time I thought he changed, his old self that I hated returned.

"See, Molls?" Mason faced me, running his fingers down my face. "He doesn't care about you."

Wes pulled Mason away, suddenly angrier than before. "Don't call her that."

"Why? Jealous?" Mason barked out a laugh, and Wes' hands balled into fists. Please don't hit him, I silently pleaded, and Wes' eyes met mine, his hands relaxing almost instantly.

"No." Wes growled. "I just don't think you should call her that when she doesn't know the whole story."

Mason's smirk dropped. "Shut up, Grayson."

"Mason..." I stood, my hands shaking. "What does he mean?"

"Why don't you tell her the truth?" Wes screamed, his hands clenching again as his face grew blood-red. "She deserves to know."

My heart dropped in my chest as Mason's face grew pale. "What truth, Mason? What are you not telling me?"

Mason finally looked at me, letting out a loud laugh. "Don't listen to him, Molls." He glared at Wes. "He's obviously drunk out of his mind."

I looked at Wes, and I knew by the look in his eye, he was the one being completely honest, and perhaps that broke me more than anything. Dragging both of them upstairs, I led them to my room, closing the door. "Mason, tell me what you've been hiding from me."

Mason's jaw dropped. "You're seriously going to believe him over me?"

"I know he's not lying to me, dammit! He's not drunk!" I hissed, glaring. "I know him. He wouldn't let someone else hurt me."

Mason's jaw ticked as he glanced between the two of us, before a wicked smirk grew on his face. "You want to know? Fine. I was the one who videotaped you the night Wes took advantage of you. I was the one who sent it to him so he could spread it everywhere. And when Andy filmed you, I helped him with that too. Are you satisfied now?"

Every single memory I had pushed into the darkest corner of my mind suddenly flooded my mind, and my knees shook, nearly making me collapse. I didn't know how I could see it then. Mason had always been there. He was always there when Wes did something bad to me.

"Leave, Mason." I growled, biting my lip to keep from crying in front of him.

There were a million emotions I felt, but most of all, I felt betrayed. I gave Mason my all when Wes gave me nothing. I forced myself to forget Wes (even though that was impossible), just to make sure Mason and I had a good relationship, and for what? To find out he was the one who had actually behind my ruination? Every part of it was too much.

"Gladly." Mason stomped out of the room, slamming the door, and I flinched. I turned away from Wes, a single tear trickling down my face.

A sob escaped my lips, no matter how much I tried to hold it in, and Wes wrapped his arms around me as I buried my head in his chest, clinging onto his shirt. He held me tightly, as if that would piece together my brokenness, yet all I could do was cry in his arms.

The truth always came out, and sometimes, the reality of the truth hurt us more than any person ever could. 

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