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For nights, I spent every waking hour thinking about what had happened. Not just when he left, but everything before, everything in between, and everything after he returned-- including the last night we had in front of Nova. The thoughts consumed my mind, and I couldn't get over it. Sure, we didn't get along. We fought a lot, but it still affected me more than I had believed possible when we argued. He had been my best friend at one point in time.

Ever since he returned from London, I knew he had changed. Who wouldn't after living in a different country for three years? The point was, nobody could change that much. Not even Wes was capable of becoming a completely different person; moreover, a completely different person, but only towards me. No matter how much he had changed, I changed too. And as much as I wish it wouldn't have turned out the way it did, I knew some things were inevitable. I knew some friendships, some people had to fall apart in order to fall back together. He might not have considered me as anything special when he came back home, but he would always be my friend, even when I said I hated him. I needed him more than I thought.

But I knew you couldn't always have what you wanted. Everything didn't always go our way.

I slowly rolled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom for a hot, relaxing shower. I stayed in there a little longer than I should have, but after the couple weeks I had, I think it was well-deserved. Once I was finished, I slid on my uniform and left for work.

As I stepped out into the cool summer breeze, I smiled softly, all of my worries suddenly being blown away with the wind. It was almost September, which meant summer would end soon, but in California, summer usually lasted all year long. The sun shone through the doors of the restaurant as I walked in, and my co-worker, Evan, greeted me with a smile. He was attractive, but the feature that stood out most on him was his icy blue eyes. Evan was like a brother to me, and he was the one I went to for everything-- besides Lana-- when Wes didn't come back.

"Hey, Mo." He smiled brightly. "How are you feeling today?"

I returned the smile as I hung my purse in my locker. "I'm okay, just really tired."

"How's Wes?"

Since Evan became one of my best friends after high school, he knew everything about Wes, from the time we were best friends to the present. I had always ranted to him because I believed he could give me a different insight since he was a guy.

I sighed. "We're still not talking."

He wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on top of my head. "I'm sure he'll come around. Give him time." He stepped away, smirking. "In the meantime, you get to play the role of a waitress today. Melanie called off."

I groaned loudly, and he laughed before walking to the hostess podium. I grabbed my notebook and apron, watching as Evan led an elderly couple to a table in my section. The elderly always came in during the morning, and they always brought a smile to my face.

"Hello, Miss. Evelyn!" I smiled brightly as I walked over to her table. "How are you this morning?"

Miss. Evelyn came to the restaurant every Saturday morning. I knew her order to a T-- orange juice and strawberry crepes with a side of bacon.

She smiled. "I'm great, dear! How are you?"

"Oh, I'm just fine, Miss. Evelyn. Are you having the usual?" I asked, and her smile brightened.

"That sounds lovely."

I patted her shoulder before heading to the kitchen to hang up her order. After I gave her the orange juice, I made my way towards my next table, and as soon as I stepped in front of the people, my heart dropped, and I nearly fainted.

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