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Now Playing... If You Don't Know 

He was there.

His empty parking spot mocked me, reminding me how I had been too late. If I had showed up just a minute earlier, just a second... maybe I would have caught him. Maybe I would've been able to tell him how I felt, maybe I could've finally faced my biggest secret. But when I entered the house, there wasn't a trace of him there. He left.

"Nova," I breathed heavily as I ran into her room. She was sitting on her floor, playing with Barbies, and I probably looked like a nutcase with the way I had just ran through the house. "Was Wes here?"

She smiled. "Yeah. He said he misses you."

Her words tugged at my heart, and I found myself smiling in relief. I slowly walked to my bedroom, hoping he had left something for me to know it was going to be okay, and when I opened the door, I barely had time to look around before mom dashed upstairs, panic written on her face. "Where's Nova!?"

I pointed towards her room, and she walked back out with Nova's hand in hers. My heart dropped to my stomach, and I immediately knew something was wrong. "What's wrong, mom?"

"Nova and I have to go to the hospital. I'll call you later." She glanced around the hall, making her way towards the stairs, and I followed. "Keep your phone on."

"Tell me what's going on!"

She faced me, sighing as she ran her fingers through her hair. "Wes was in a car accident. He's in a coma and they aren't sure if he'll wake up."

Everything around me slowed and suddenly, my heart beat pounded in my ears. Mom's mouth was moving, but all I could hear was the ringing in my ears, and the thoughts in my head tormenting me about how I should've found him. How I should've told him sooner.

"I'm so sorry, honey," Mom whispered as she wiped the tears I hadn't known I shed. "I'll call you as soon as I know anything. I love you."

Mom and Nova left, and I remained frozen in place.

My best friend, my everything, might never come back to me.

Everything hit me at once and I grabbed the vase beside me, throwing it against the wall. The glass shattered, flying everywhere, and I sobbed loudly as I gripped my hair in my hands. I silently pleaded to God, begging him not to take Wes away from me. If I lost him, I lost myself. There was no me without him.

I was just about to leave the house, but something was pulling me towards my bedroom. When I opened the door again, I found an envelope and a box sitting on my nightstand. I opened the small box, revealing a silver ring. As I twirled it around my finger, I caught sight of the words engraved on the inside: "Always My Princess".

I slid the ring on my finger, another tear slipping, before I ran my hand over the envelope, knowing it was the letter from Christmas. My name appeared slightly sloppy on the outside, but I knew he put in a lot of effort, because his handwriting was neater than usual. I held the envelope in my hands, wondering what was inside. Whatever he had written could make or break me, and the fear knotted in my stomach as I slowly ripped the top of the envelope and pulled out the letter. As my eyes skimmed over the words, I collapsed to the ground, my heart thumping wildly against my chest.


I've been gone for nearly three years. London has been great. It's so beautiful here. I've seen so many things, and I wish you could be here to see them with me. You would love it here. I know I was supposed to be home sooner, but I'll explain in time why I wasn't. What I can tell you is, I can't wait to see you and Nova again. As much as I love London, it's been lonely without my two favorite girls. Which is why I think it's finally time to come to terms with the truth I've been hiding from the both of us for a while. I know you know about the girl I met here, and I know you were hurt. I know I never called, never texted, never did anything like I promised, and I'm sorry. You deserved better and I gave you the worst. I just... I didn't know how to face you knowing how hurt you were going to be because of my actions. This girl was lovely, but she wasn't the one I was in love with. She wasn't the one who belonged in my heart. The girl I love is one of a kind. She has this natural beauty that is my favorite scenery, and I only wish she could see what I see. She's always putting herself down, but in reality, she is the kindest soul I've ever known, and there is no one in this world who could ever compare to my girl. Her smile lights up the whole world, and everytime I see it, it takes my breath away. If I could see one thing for the rest of my life, it would be that smile, the one that makes me the happiest man alive. And her ocean blue eyes... blue had never been my favorite color until I looked into her eyes. From her head to her toes, she is perfect for me. Her personality is like no other, and I could only hope to be half the person she is. My girl has always accepted me for who I am, even when I hurt her, even when I was the monster in her life, and even though I don't deserve even a fraction of her forgiveness, I am eternally grateful to her for never giving up on me, for always being by my side, where she belongs. Deep down, I had always known I loved her. I was too afraid to admit it because I feared I would mess it up and lose her for good. But I love her, more than the air I breathe. The girl... well, she's you. You are the girl. My girl. I'm in love with you, Molls, and I can't wait to come home and tell you these exact words. So, until I'm in front of you again, just remember how much I love you.

Yours always,


To be continued... 

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