coming soon

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will publish first chapter once finished with Saving Mitch.


When somebody tells Mitch Grassi that he can freeze time and people, he laughs and shakes the "joke" off. But little does he know that he actually does have that ability, leaving him completely shocked.

And so one day, when Mitch is at his window that has a complete view of the entire city, he is curious as to what a snowflake looks like in real life before it melts, so he freezes time only for that reason. Expecting to see everybody frozen, he is utterly terrified when there's a blond stranger roaming along the streets. He immediately confronts the man, which he learns later is named Scott Hoying, and Scott is really confused when Mitch explains it is anything but normal.

Curious as to why Scott moves when he freezes time, they both go to the person that told Mitch about his power... and Scott found out why he was the only human other than Mitch that's able to move - Scott can freeze time, too, and that leaves both Scott and Mitch immune to being frozen.

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