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i wanna make you mine
kid in love | shawn mendes


Scott and I were on our 'second date' if you'd call it that, also known as staying at my house and watching movies at almost ten at night. We just went to my house after the date.

"I'm gonna make popcorn. Don't go anywhere!" I told him, then made my way to the kitchen. I looked around for a bag of popcorn, then when I found one, my eyes lit up and I grabbed it. Once I put it in the microwave and set the timer, I went back out to find Scott grinning like an idiot at the TV when he saw what movie I plopped into the VCR. Frozen.

"Hi," he looked to me. I looked back with an equally big smile. "Are you making popcorn?" he asked.

"Yep," I nodded. Then he looked back to the TV, "So Frozen, huh? Are you a major Disney fan?"

"Oh, yeah. Definitely," I shook my head amused when he didn't stop smiling. I heard the ding of the microwave, then I went back into the kitchen and took it out of the microwave carefully, hissing when I felt the hot paper touch my finger. I opened it and shoved all of its contents into the polka-dot patterned bowl.

When I got back into the room with Scott in it, his eyes snapped toward me and then to the popcorn. He scooted over and I sat in the place by him, setting the bowl on the coffee table in front of us. He brought out one of his arms and I blushed, but snuggled close to him anyways.

I grabbed the blanket from the floor and covered us with it, then I rested my head onto his shoulder. I played the movie with the remote and it started out with the scene of the child Kristoff picking off ice with baby Sven.

Scott's hand landed on my waist and pulled me closer, effectively making me flush even redder. The room was dark and the TV was the only source of light.

I looked up to Scott and he was focusing on the TV. His jaw looked a lot more sharp than it had before. I hummed and looked back toward the TV and started to also focus on the movie.


The movie was nearing the end. It was at the point where Anna showed Kristoff his new sled because their adventure led to his old one being completely torn and broken and at the bottom of a snowed-on cliff.

Kristoff hugged Anna and I smiled. We were already almost done with the popcorn. We didn't really eat a lot of it since we kept forgetting it was there and kept focusing on the movie and the movie only. Although I felt Scott's stare on me, I knew that he was also focused on the Disney movie.

After Kristoff kissed Anna, I looked to Scott and he was already staring at me. I smiled at him, then his eyes flickered down to my lips. Oh my God, I thought. I subconsciously licked my lower lip, my eyes going down to his own lips.

I looked back up and then he was leaning into me. It all happened so fast, but not even a second later I felt his lips against mine, kissing me so gently that I felt like I was a cloud. I brought my arms up to wrap them around his neck, to pull him closer, to feel more of him. He lightly bit down on my lower lip and I allowed him entrance, my hands finding his hair and tangling them in it.

I pulled back to breathe, and I rested my forehead against his, fluttering my eyes closed. I opened them and he was staring right back at me. I bit my lip, trying to prevent a smile, but to no avail, the smile was plastered onto my lips. He smiled back and pecked me for a split second. I laughed, but then he grabbed my hand and I looked at our entwined fingers while he looked at me with a glint of something I've never seen in anyone's eyes before in his own. It was bright and I loved it. "So," he started. "I like you a lot."

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