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oh, this is the beat of my heart. this is the beat of my heart.
oh, this is the beat of my heart. this is the beat of my heart.
this is gospel | panic! at the disco

Mitch Grassi's POV

"Boys, wake up! It's time for breakfast!" a voice which I found out was Kate's interrupted my sleep. I was confused by how, since we had our own cabin, but I saw it was the alarm clock. I woke up, sighing. I ran a hand through my hair, then finally sat up and grabbed whatever I could out of my suitcase for an outfit. I decided on a black jumper and blue skinny jeans.

I looked at the other bed, noticing Scott was still asleep. I sighed, hurrying up and pulling my clothes on after entering the bathroom and when I left it, he was still in bed. I shoved my pajamas back into my suitcase, then walked over to his bed. I poked his shoulder, "Scott Hoying, if you don't get up right now I will get Kate and it is not fun when she comes in to wake someone up personally."

He sighed like I had before, "Okay. What time is it?"

"Twenty minutes until ten. Get up. Today will be fun. No testing," I bribed. He nodded, then sat up. I tried my best not to stare at his chest as he stood. I avoided looking at him and looked at the door instead, "I'll meet you over in the lodge."

"Alright," he murmured, his voice raspy. I hurried up and rushed out of the room, breathing a sigh of relief once I was out of there. I ran my hand through my hair again to fix it as I walked down. It was a short walk and the snow was still there, surprising me. I entered and immediately saw Kate, Alex, Jay, Todrick, Alex, and Kirstin. The food was just bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast. Kate had a plate out and gave it to me, "Here ya go, sweetie. Where's Scott? Do I need to go over there?"

"No," I laughed. "He's getting dressed and then he'll head over."

"Alright," she dragged out the 'i', focusing on the next person. I sat down next to Kirstin and Todrick. "Hey," I mumbled. Kirstin smiled, "How's the first day?"

"I wouldn't know. It's like nine in the morning. Why are we up so early?" I asked. "We're all going down to the frozen lake. You don't have to go, but you should. Since you're so light, you could probably skate on it with no problem," she lightly elbowed me with a grin.

"I hate skating. And mornings. But I'll go," I took a bite of the toast. She nodded, "Good. I'm sure Scott will go, too."

I nodded, not even answering as I continued eating. Scott came down a few seconds later wearing a grey beanie, black jeans, and a dark turtleneck, then Kate handed him a plate, and he said something to her before sitting down by Kirstin, Todrick, and I. Todrick stared at him before smiling, "You've been quiet."

"He is not quiet," I rolled my eyes playfully. "The opposite, really."

"Says you! You've known me for like, what, a week or two?"

I stared at him, "It was a strong one to two weeks."

Jay found us and sat down right next to Todrick, kissing his cheek. I started eating the bacon. "Whatever you say," he mumbled. I felt a bit bad when all of us were one side and Scott was on the other, so I picked up my plate and sat right next to him. "It just seemed weird," I shrugged when he looked at me.


"My feet hurt," I whined. "I hate these boots," I muttered. I wasn't even walking and they hurt. We were at the lake and Kirstin was the only one skating while everyone else was sitting at the two picnic tables. Scott, Kate, and I were at one while Jay, Alex, and Todrick had the other one. "Maybe you shouldn't have worn boots with heels?" Scott suggested, making me glare in his direction.

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