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i love the things you hate about yourself
hallelujah | panic! at the disco

Mitch Grassi's POV

I woke up yet again to Kate's voice, except it was later in the day. It was eleven when I checked the clock. I shut it off before it could become anymore annoying. I love Kate, but hearing her every morning was starting to get tiring.

We've been here for almost five days and we have almost three weeks left. It was still snowing up here. It wouldn't have snowed once over in Los Angeles.

Scott wasn't in his bed, so I assumed he was already at the lodge. I got up and grabbed clothes; dark jeans and a gray sweater. I entered the bathroom and turned the water for the shower on, then looked at my appearance. Oh, joy. I sighed, then when the water was hot enough, I stripped and hopped in.

Eventually, after ten minutes of showering, I got out, put the clothes on, and fixed my hair before shoving on the boots that I didn't hate, the ones that weren't tight and didn't have the heels, and I left the cabin. I locked the door to it, then made my way back over to the lodge. When I got there, there wasn't anyone there. I furrowed my eyebrows, "Guys? Where are you?"

"Mitch!" Kirstin rushed out of a door. "Come on, we're all playing games today."

"Alright, alright. Calm down," I chuckled, noticing how out of breath she was, trying to pull me to the room.

When we got in there, everyone was there. There was a spot left between Scott and Todrick, so I sat down in the middle of them. Scott looked at me, "Hey."

"Hi. When'd you wake up?" I asked curiously. "An hour ago I think."

"Why didn't any of you wake me up earlier? It's eleven, no one is up this late here," I frowned. Scott was about to speak, but Kate did. "Scott said you've been a little tired recently. Thought some extra sleep for you would be good, but not too much."

"Thank you guys, but I'm fine. I promise," I smiled. "You were warm the night we came back from the snowman-making. You probably have a cold," Scott said. I sighed, not even answering that. "Let's just play the games."

"What should we do first?" Kirstin exclaimed excitedly.

I shrugged, and then everyone got in a big discussion on what game to play first while I stayed silent.


"You were awfully quiet today. What's going on in that mind of yours?" Scott asked as we entered the cabin again. I ate before we left the lodge, so I wasn't hungry, but I still felt bad - physically. "Nothing. Just been thinking a lot. And I haven't been feeling the best, anyways."

"Wait, what? What's wrong?" Scott inquired with a frown. I looked at him, "Don't worry, it's nothing. Just tired."

"You've been tired a lot. Come here," Scott said, and I sighed, walking over to him. He put a hand over my forehead, then widened his eyes a bit. "You're really warm. She has to have something here to help that, right? Kirstin wouldn't put a kitchen or bathroom here without medicine. Follow me."

I followed him even though I thought I was fine. My head was aching, sure, but other than that and my fatigue, I was fine. Scott was rummaging through the cupboards in the bathroom while I leaned on the wall. All of a sudden, something fell, and Scott decided to freeze time right then with a bright red face. I laughed, "Nice."

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