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you fell asleep in my car, i drove the whole time
but that's okay, i'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine
i'm driving, here i sit, cursing my government
for not using my taxes to fill holes with more cement
tear in my heart | twenty øne piløts

Mitch Grassi's POV

Once I was done with testing over at the lodge, Scott and I had to leave. Avi and Kevin left the day after they made sure I was okay. After the entire situation, Scott then refused to leave me alone just in case for an entire two days.

"See you in a few months," I sighed, hugging Kirstin. Jake, Alex, Todrick, Jay, and Kate all joined. Scott stood there awkwardly and I rolled my eyes, grabbing his wrist and pulling him into the big group hug.

I sighed contently as they pulled away. "You need to visit sometimes, guys."

"We plan to!" Kirstin grinned. Scott smiled at us, then gestured to the door. "We gotta go."

"Alright, fine."

I waved and Scott took my wrist and pulled me away. I caught up with him after he speed walked, and I looked at him. "So what happens when we get back?" I asked, my cheeks becoming red. "Uh," he then also blushed, "I don't know. I guess we'll see?"

"I guess so," I sighed, mostly of disappointment, but there was a tinge of sadness to it. "Why'd you sigh?"

"Sorry, I'm kind of tired. It's early," I lied. I was disappointed because I was hoping he would have asked me on a date or something. But he didn't.


It took awhile for us to finally be on the road because it was hard to leave the lodge. It was weeks since Scott admitted he liked me and Kirstin was determined to make sure that he actually did. When she did, she also wanted him to ask me, and it seemed like he didn't want to. It kind of made me sad but I got over it. Just not him.

I hummed to the song on the radio and Scott sometimes glanced back at me. He was driving because he said, and I quote, "You were tired and I felt bad so I'm driving and there is no buts."

I obliged (unwillingly) and I yawned, refreshing Twitter on my phone for another 3 minutes. "If I fall asleep, you'll be okay, right?" I asked, looking at the blond in the car. He nodded, "Go ahead."


I woke to Scott pulling into a restaurant. I furrowed my eyebrows, "What are you doing?"

"Well, I just wanted to get us something to eat. You don't have to come in if you don't want to, just tell me what you'd want."

"No, I'll go in," I stretched for a second and jumped out of the car, fixing my hair and following Scott inside. "You didn't forget the keys, right?" I asked.

"Nope," he answered, jingling the keys from his hand. I hummed as a response.

"Booth or table?" the nice lady asked, but her eyes were trained on Scott. I grabbed his hand and smiled when he glanced at me, then spoke. "Booth. You okay with that, Mitchy?"

"I'm fine with it," I grinned again. She plastered a fake smile on her own face and gestured to the walkway, "Only for two, I'm assuming?"

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