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but my senses tell me
your kiss is enough to satisfy my intentions
but i'm buried in these bricks
bricks | us the duo

Mitch Grassi's POV [warning: weird chapter lmao]

I certainly never imagined Scott sitting on the ground of our shared kitchen at three in the morning. I couldn't sleep, and I was hungry, so I came here to eat something, but my intentions were stopped abruptly when I saw him sitting and leaning against the fridge lazily, staring at the cupboards in front of him as if contemplating something big.

I coughed to gain his attention, and his head snapped up toward me. "Sorry. Why are you up so late?" he asked, completely disregarding the fact that he was sitting against the fridge this late and in deep thought. "Couldn't sleep, I guess," I shrugged, then leaned against the doorway. "What about you? You look like you haven't slept at all," I commented, and it was true. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was messy and disheveled.

"Right. Because I haven't," he sighed, throwing his head back so it collided with the surface of the refrigerator, exposing his neck. "What are you in such deep thought about?" I asked curiously.

"Something stupid and small. Don't worry about it," he murmured.

"It's clearly not stupid or small if it kept you up until now. So," I started, getting off of the doorway and walking over to him and sitting next to him, moving my head so I was looking at him, "you can tell me."

"Of course I could, but I can't," Scott said, looking over to me. I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why not? That sentence didn't make any sense."

"I know it didn't to you, but it makes sense to me. Mitch, I can't tell you," he laughed, "It's nothing I plan to share with anyone, anyways. I'm sorry. We all have our secrets, right?"

"Right," I pursed my lips, playing with the fabric of my tshirt. "Can I ask you something? And be completely honest," he inquired in a way. I stared at him, "Yeah, of course," I nodded. "What is it?"

"Why are we here? Humans. Earth. I don't get it," he then looked back up to the ceiling. "It's been on my mind the entire time. I can't figure it out. There's this planet; Earth, and then one day humans happen. We just show up, invade this place, and then bad humans come. They trash the place, they steal your car, and then they laugh at you and tear you apart. I don't get it."

I stared at him in confusion. Why in the world would he be thinking of that at this time? What even made him think of this? "Scott, I don't know what the real answer is. Hell, this is just a guess, but maybe it's because life needed to happen. There's all this land and this galaxy that hasn't even yet been explored fully – I guess that humans were here so whatever spirit it is that's controlling everything can find out what we can do. What can be explored by us. Then we somehow walked the moon, cured multiple diseases, and found out that there aren't terrible things gracing Earth. I think, anyways," I blushed, my hands fidgeting. I twirled my blue shirt in between my fingers, waiting for his response.

"How I wish I could freeze time and just stay here with you forever," he sighed. "But unfortunately there's other life that shouldn't be stopped."

I didn't quite understand why he was so sentimental at that moment, but I didn't question it. Of course, I would've liked to know why he had all of these questions about the earth and humans and life, and unfortunately I didn't have the answers.

A silence overtook us, but it wasn't uncomfortable or awkward. Instead, it was tension-free and it wasn't going to end soon. I didn't mind.


"Hurry up!" a feminine voice woke me up slightly. My head was leaning up against something hard, what I hadn't figured out, but it was comfortable to me in my tired state. "If you don't—" and then a flash blinded my already closed eyes. "Oh my god, Kate! Why did you do that? Shit, they're probably waking up!"

I fluttered my eyes open, seeing a sheepish Kate and a flustered Kirstin above me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, then I sat up and looked to my left, utterly shocked to see Scott there. He was scrunching his own eyebrows, but his eyes were still closed. Lucky him, I thought.

The events of the night before flooded my memory like a truck, then I remembered his wondrous state earlier. "God, I'm sorry, Mitch," Kirstin cringed. "For waking you, for taking your picture, and for breaking in."

"You broke in and took my picture?" I asked, partially in disbelief. "What even was the picture of? How'd you get in?"

"The picture was of your head on Scott's shoulder, and, you know, I own the facility, so I have a master key. In my defense, you wouldn't open the door and testing started awhile ago."

"What? Shit, I'm sorry, Kirst. It won't matter, right?"

"Of course not. Missing one day won't hurt," she smiled. "Now why don't you wake your boyfriend and meet us outside? Let's do something productive today!"

As awful as that sounded, I nodded nonetheless. As they left, I then realized what Kirstin actually said. "Wake your boyfriend?" I thought aloud, then blushed when I remembered who they were referring to: Scott.

I shook him awake gently, hoping not to hurt him. He stirred, but other than that, he didn't wake. I furrowed my eyebrows, then got on my knees and got closer to him. "Scott?" I said, hoping it'd somehow summon him, but there was nothing.

Just as I was getting closer to yell in his ear, he moved his head and fluttered his eyes open, thus making my lips extremely close to his to the point of where they were just simply brushing each other's. My heart stuttered in my chest as I stared into his oceans that he claimed as eyes, and then I realized how close we were and that this isn't how close friends should be. I gaped, immediately moving away and he widened his eyes after I moved, clearly surprised despite the intense eye contact we just endured. "I'm s-sorry," I stuttered, then got off of my knees and onto my feet before hurriedly rushing out of the kitchen.


As Scott and I were walking back outside after getting prepared for whatever events Kirstin had planned, he stopped me before we could encounter them. "You didn't need to apologize, I knew it was a mistake. But I'm also sorry for making you feel like you had to," he frowned, but then looked to Kirstin and Kate. "Let's go now."


a/n:: short, and an almost (but accidental) kiss!! I've also concluded that this book will only have 11-13 chapters, maybe. i love shawn mendes bye

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