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there's something 'bout us
when we're together
whenever you're there, everywhere
i see color
color | todrick hall

Mitch Grassi's POV

As I stared at the city from beneath my window, I could nearly feel the coldness of the glass as my breath radiated from it, causing it to fog up. I looked at the snowflakes that were falling slowly down my window, and I figured that maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I froze time just to see one in action. I pulled my hand up, forced it back down, and smiled in satisfactory once everything and everyone froze. I looked to the snowflake, but when I saw that someone (and that somebody very attractive, may I add) was walking along the streets, I nearly screamed in terror as he continued to before he bumped into a frozen person, visually groaning and muttering something, then going around it.

I stared at him in awe, but then I sprinted down the stairs of my apartment and out my door. I yelled, "Blondie!" (because he was blond) but he didn't hear me. I finally caught up to him, then I tugged on his shirt and he was forced back. Once he laid eyes on me, though, his expression softened, but then turned completely horrified, as I was. "You're moving!" He yelled, causing me to flinch slightly. He frowned for a split second, before correcting his self, making himself seem cold and distant again. "No, you're moving!" I said back, and he widened his eyes, "What are you talking about? I could always move!"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "You shouldn't be able to! I am the one that freezes time, after all."

"Well, I do--wait, you freeze time?!" He once more yelled, making me visibly wince. I nodded, "I do."

"You've been freezing my world! You!" He glared at me, suddenly towering over me, which made me feel small and vulnerable. Is he going to hurt me? Shit.

I looked down. My hands were suddenly interesting. The guy then sighed, "I'm not going to hurt you," he muttered. "Just keep your freezing-time-thing down a notch."

"But you move when I freeze time," I said, "We need to figure out why."

"How?" He looked down at me curiously as I looked back up. "My friend can figure it out. Follow me," I said, and then grabbed his wrist, ignoring the sudden sparks shooting up my arm. I furrowed my eyebrows as I led him to Kevin's 'lair' which is what he decided to call it. Kevin is my extremely talented and intelligent friend that figured out I could freeze time, and if he could figure out me, he can figure out this blond guy.

"What's your name anyways?" The guy asked. I looked to him, "I'm Mitch. What about you?"

"My name is Scott," he said, staring at me. I blushed, looked forward and kept leading us. "You're really small," he stated the obvious. I looked at him once again, but then continued staring at the streets in front of us, purposely ignoring his frank statement.

As soon as we got closer, I unfroze time by pulling my hand up then back down and watched people begin walking once more. "So are you like supernatural? Can you do anything else besides do that thing?"

"No, silly," I scoffed humorously. "I can do one thing, and that's it."

"How'd you even find out about it?" he asked curiously, making me look back with a slightly raised eyebrow. He has certainly been quite the asker and talker. "It just happened when I moved my wrist the way I do," I explained. "I was only twenty years old."

"Twenty? How old are you now? You don't look any older than twenty five," he raised his nearly non existent (but blond) eyebrows. "I'm twenty three," I replied. "What about you?"

"Four. Twenty four," he grinned. "I'm bigger and older than you. This satisfies me," he kept rambling on and on until we reached Kevin's apartment, where he kept unusual findings and his roommate Avi.

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