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you're right on track now
never gonna look back now
you've got a lot of just what it takes
little people | todrick hall

Mitch Grassi's POV

"First thing's first," I started. "The pros of this odd ability. Well, first is that you can freeze fucking time. Second would be stopping idiots from speaking when you've had enough of their logic. Third would be freezing time when you're in a physical fight, or if you're in the middle of a bad situation. You can quickly get out of those.

"The cons would be becoming tired and fatigued. Another would be even freezing time unintentionally. Fucking up and possibly or accidentally freezing a moment that you shouldn't have. Barely being able to do it when you're unfocused or stressed," I explained shortly. He nodded, waiting. "Do you have any questions before I start the easy training thing?"

"Yeah, um, what do you mean by barely being able to do it when you're stressed or unfocused?" he asked, leaning on his big hands and staring at me. "You can't really do it if you're unfocused. Your hand will think you're just moving out of exasperation or something, and then you won't be able to at all."

"What if I want to savor the view of something or someone?" he asked, smirking. I rolled my eyes, "You could, but not if you're unfocused. Get it? Also, that's a stupid as hell reason to freeze time."

"It is? Why? I don't think I'd freeze it any other time. Well, I don't think I'll do much of it anyways, since you can't freeze. Don't see the point in that," he chuckled, effectively making me become flustered. "Anyways!" I interrupted his successful attempt at making me become extremely red. "There are a few ways to freeze time, except the easiest is the hand pushing thing I taught you with Avi and Kevin."

"Really?" he furrowed his unapparent eyebrows. "What are the other ways? And is there a way I can make one my "default" if that makes sense?"

"Yeah," I stated. "But first let's look at the options. You can put your hand to the side like this," I said, demonstrating with my left and tilting it sideways. "And then 'flap' it," I instructed except without doing it. "I would do it, but I wouldn't like to become tired quite yet."

"Got it," he nodded. "That seems harder to you?"

"Well, no, but it's too simple."

"Ooh, you like challenges, huh?" he simpered. I rolled my brown eyes, "I do. And?"

"And that's cute," he smiled, his bright white teeth showing. "Cool," I shrugged. "You're really gay."

"You aren't?" he raised his blond eyebrow. "Oh," I started to laugh. "Trust me, I am," I smiled, but my cheeks became a very light shade of pink. He simply stared at me again, and I kept looking at him, but kept my eyes on my hands. "That was the first. Well, second if you count the one I showed you earlier—never mind, but the third and fourth, or second and third, whatever—are these two. Since I haven't used them at all, I shouldn't activate any time freezing. It's like you can only pick two."

He nodded, and I lifted my index finger and pinky, slowly moving it downward. He nodded once again, and I coughed awkwardly. "Next one," I murmured, and then I dropped my thumb below my hand and pushed upwards.

"Interesting. I like the more simple ones, so the ones you chose," he smiled, only one tiny dimple showing near the corner of his mouth. "Perfect. There you go, then," I smiled back, my own dimples showing.


"Scott," I began. "Avi and Kevin called me earlier. Well, just Kevin, really, but anyways—Kevin makes me go on these weird missions to make sure I don't lose the ability. And if I do, I could get really sick, and maybe even you could, too—who knows?—but anyways, I need you to come on the mission with me. It'll take only a month, and then we should be back here. I usually only get these missions once every six months," I said over the phone. I got his number after our very short training session. "We'd just go up to Council. The head of Council is some woman called Kirstin. You up for that? You could help me and I wouldn't mind some company."

"Of course," he chuckled. "But have you always gone alone? Where is Council?"

"Yeah, I usually go alone, and it's actually not far. But it'd take us a month to get through typical training. There are other people with similar 'powers' if that's what you'd call it, so we wouldn't be alone. Council's only nine hours away."

"Road trip, huh?" he chuckled. "By ourselves, too? This will be fun."

"Very. Anyways, you in?"

"I'm in," he must've nodded.


"We have to pack before we can go anywhere," I stated the obvious as Scott entered my apartment. "I'm assuming you brought your things."

"You assume correctly," he smiled. "Oh, and when would we leave? Just curious."

"Tomorrow morning. Maybe around eight in the morning. Nine hour drive? We gotta get up. I'll be driving."

"Does it ever become lonely to you? I mean, driving all that way by yourself?" he frowned. I shrugged, "Yes, but when I get there it's nice to see my old friends. I'm happy you're going, even if you're a tad bit annoying."

"Hey!" he said defensively.

I smiled at him, "Don't worry, I've encountered worse people. You're probably in the top 100."

"Hurtful," he mumbled.

"Okay—so we'll need to keep touch with Avi and Kevin while we're going there so I might need you to call them sometimes, since I won't be able to," I said, not even looking at him while I pulled my suitcase to the car.

He hummed as a response, not using words as he watched me exceptionally struggle. I glared at him when he was about to speak, and I finally shoved it all the way in the trunk. He chuckled, "I was gonna ask if you needed help."

"I didn't need help," I crossed my arms and let out a huff of air. Suddenly, the suitcase fell and I became extremely red. He smiled, amusement shining in his ocean eyes, picking it up with no struggle and putting it back.

"Luck," I simply stated, refusing to believe he had any strength whatsoever. He began to smirk and came toward me, making my eyes widen when his hands came out. I backed up, but he rushed to me and picked me up quickly. "Fucking—Scott! Stop it!"

"Fine, fine. Does that prove it wasn't luck?" he asked hopefully, and I blew a strand of my blond fringe out of my face. "Sure. Whatever. Just leave, jerk."

"Aww," he cooed. "Angry Mitch is cute!"

"If you don't get out of my sight in six seconds I'll kill you."

"But then you won't have any company for the trip," he pointed out, making me groan in utter annoyance. "Leave," I shoved him a bit. He grinned, then waved while walking off.


a/n:: angry Mitch makes an appearance!!! lol ok so they start leaving in the next chapter but this was a bit of a filler soooo. suggest songs for lyrics @ the beginning of chapters?

also straight outta oz by todrick hall is absolutely amazing and jay in 'color' is great bye

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