Forbidden Fruit

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Does not belong to me
I have asked to permission to put this story on here

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" You went down, sliding under a low hanging branch and then hopped back up to your feet to continue running. You should've listened to Scott and Stiles but no, you were too stubborn and thought that you could handle this on your own.

You couldn't.

Which is why you're currently running for your life away from this beast with glowing purple eyes and sharp claws as long as your hand. All you had wanted to do was find where the Dread Doctors were hiding, you didn't want to go in and face them, you only wanted some Intel. Instead you found a chimaera twice your size and very angry you disturbed him.

You flinched at the sound of his roar and tripped over a root sticking out of the ground, sending you to the dirt. You rolled to your back in time to see him standing over you and quickly pulled out the knife Chris gave you after he taught you how to use it, slashing at the chimaera's leg causing it to lift up in shock and giving you more room to roll out from under it.

A scream came from you as you felt its claws dig into your left shoulder and slice down to your elbow. You scrambled to your feet and turned to rest your back against a tree in order to catch your breath, straightening up when you saw him coming towards you again. You raised your knife, prepared to fight when you heard another roar come from above you and then a blur raced across your face, taking the beast down with it.

Heart freezing in fear of having to fight two monsters, your eyes focused on the new comer, the brown hair and broad shoulders giving away the fact that it was Theo and not some other beast. You relaxed against the tree, locking eyes with Theo's glowing gold ones and he bared his fangs to you, biting at the air before focusing back on the beast beneath his claws.

Your averted your gaze when you heard the beast's neck snap beneath Theo's grip, listening to the tear of flesh and the gurgling from its throat as it filled with blood.

Theo gave a satisfied growl, before turning to you, "You can look now."

You swallowed and looked to see the red blood glistening in the moonlight for a second then Theo stepped in front of your view, "Thanks."

"Of course," he stepped closer to you, "You're hurt."

"Just a scratch," you shrugged off the throbbing pain, more upset about the fact that your jacket was beyond repair.

Theo rolled his eyes, gently taking your arm to inspect the wound closer, "Even if I wasn't a chimaera, I would know you're lying. Let's get you cleaned up."

"Theo I'm fine."

When you tried to wiggle from his hold he only tightened his grip, "It needs to be checked and cleaned before it gets infected. I can't tell with your jacket and all the blood if you're going to need stiches." He sighed, "Just let me clean it."

While you wouldn't mind spending time alone with him because he was gorgeous he was in the other pack so it was a no-no. Again you tried to free yourself from his hold, "Seriously Theo, I don't need your help."

He arched an eyebrow at you, looking at the dead body of the chimaera then back to you, "Clearly." Theo tugged your arm again, "Let's go."

You resisted for a minute longer before realizing that it was useless, he was too strong for you to actually win against him. You sat in silence in the car, refusing to speak or even acknowledge that this moment was happening because if you did, it means it's real and that you ignored what Scott said to you twice in one night.

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