Protective Thing

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Does not belong to me
I have asked to permission to put this story on here


A/N: I got this help for this imagine from thisdialogue prompt by @dictionarywrites so thank you for that!

You two rounded the corner and then dove into the closest classroom, closing the door behind you and then pressed your backs against the wall. Theo chanced a glance out the window to see if you were still being followed, "And you thought this was a good idea?"

You were in the middle of catching your breath,"Not at all. I thought it was a terrible idea."

Theo whipped his head around to give you an incredulous look, "Then why did you do it?"

"While objectively terrible, it was still the best option." You shrugged, "This was Stiles' plan, mine was to just burn him."

"And why wasn't that the one they went with?"

Your reply was cut off when the door was kicked in; Theo curled his body around you to cover you from the debris of the now broken wooden door. One second you were buried in Theo's chest and the next you were looking at the snarling face of your math teacher, his eyes black and skin wormy. You scrambled back, fear clutching your heart when you saw the rotted teeth shining in the moonlight and the saliva dripping from his blood covered mouth.

With lightening fast reflexes his arm reached out and clamped down on your throat, nails digging into the flesh there. The only sound you could make was a pathetic whimper while your vision went blurry and head throbbed from the pressure.

Suddenly you were dropped, crumpling to the floor as you sucked in air so quickly your body couldn't handle it. You rolled away, crawling to your feet when you heard a growl from Theo so deep it seemed to vibrate in your ears and you turned to see him toss aside your teacher as if he weighed nothing.

You searched around the room so see if there was anything useful for you to use against the rugaru but there wasn't anything in the classroom that would be helpful. You looked up just in time to see Theo get smashed into the wall and you cringed at the sound, but took off when you saw your teacher look at you. It was no use though, he was faster than you were and cut you off, leaping into you and pushing you against a wall. Your head smacked against the concrete and black specks danced across your vision, you vaguely heard the sounds of fabric being torn but it was ignored when you felt something bite into your skin.

You looked down to see your teach sinking his teeth into the flesh of your shoulder, a screamed ripped itself from your throat and out of instinct you kicked your knee up to meet the sensitive area between his legs. With a grunt he released you and acting on pure adrenaline you reached for the thing closest to you, the globe resting on the corner of the teacher's desk, and you used it to smash it over the rugaru's head.

Theo roared coming up behind him and clawing down his back and again he picked him up and threw him into the desks, the sound making your ears ring. Scott burst in then, followed closely by Liam and Malia and took in the scene before him. Theo moved to stand in front of you, a way to shield you from both the rugaru and wondering eyes. He snarled as the rugaru got up, it's eyes on you and he charged but Scott got to him, clawing at his face while Malia grabbed his arm and whipped him into another wall.

A second later Lydia came running in, a bottle of something in her hand that she tossed at the creature causing it to be consumed by flames. Stiles rushed in with another bottle and threw that one too and then grabbed Malia by the arm and ran, everyone followed after him.

Teen Wolf Imagines (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now