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*Shane's POV*

"You're an idiot, do you know that?" I asked Jace once I dropped him off home. Gwen had lazily dragged herself to her room, whining about how bad her stomach hurt.

"Shane, I'm so sorry."

I heaved a sigh and crossed my arms. "A party, Jace. Really?"

"It was the first thing that came to my mind, and I just - I saw how nervous and
scared and... sad he looked and..." Jace shook his head. "I'm just sorry."

"So what do I do now? Paint a smile on my face and pretend everything's fine at school tomorrow when clearly, he knows I want to be with you? No, seriously. Tell me, Jace, because you seem to be so full of great ideas. Selfish ones, but great fucking ideas!"

He flinched at that. I looked at him expectantly, and he held my gaze for a few moments before breaking down.

"I'm sorry... for not putting you first. For not thinking about your feelings, Shane,
I..." He buried his face in his hands, wanting to hide his emotions from me.

I guessed his brain started working then, and he realized that he shouldn't hide his emotions from me. If crying in front of me - and letting me see it - proved his
sincerity, he would do that. He removed his hands from his face, and it tugged at
my heart to see his tears.
"I don't think I've ever put you first. Not even when we were dating. Because you
were so depressed and -" I wiped my eyes. "And I still hurt you... I'm sorry."

I walked over to him and embraced him. "That's enough, love. Don't cry." I
rubbed his back and gently pressed his head to my neck and shoulder in an effort to console him. "I'm gonna lay down with you. I'll leave early so I won't be late for school."

He was too choked up to speak, so he nodded and let me lead him upstairs to his room. He went straight to his bed and sat down on it with a somber demeanor. I sighed.

"Jace, it's okay."

"No it's not. It's all my fault."

"Whether it is or isn't, I'm taking the blame remember? And I shouldn't have raised my voice at you." I held his chin. "Jace, I love you, and I'm still very, very much in love with you. Nothing's gonna change the way I feel."

"I love you, too."

I kissed his cheek. "Let's get some sleep."

"I don't feel like changing."

I didn't say a word, I just stood up and grabbed his shirt. A tiny smile crossed his
face and he let me pull it over his head. "We're doing this again?"

I smirked then winked. "Don't worry. I'll remove your boxers this time."

I could tell that his heart skipped either a beat or a thousand at my words. He
stood up as well and I took that opportunity to wipe his tears.

"I'll be honest with you, Jace. There is no way I'm gonna sleep next to you and not want you the entire time."

"So what're you saying?"

I didn't reply. I held his waist and pulled him against my body and kissed him right on the lips, an action we hadn't performed in a year. It was amazing how just a simple kiss was so blissful. It'd been forever.

He pulled my shirt over my head and resumed the kiss. I didn't hesitate to touch him, because I loved Jace. And he loved me. There was no way we weren't going to do this. I messed with his belt a little, unbuckling it and shoving his pants down along with his boxers.

"Wait." I pulled out of the heated kiss to go lock the door then came back to me. "I hope you have lube, baby." With that, I pressed my lips to his and he stepped out of his clothes. In seconds, we were both naked and on his bed, passionately making out. I stayed on top of him, touching him in familiar places.

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