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Picture of Asher


Kalani came over later on that day. I had a feeling that she had come to talk to me, because I'd caught her staring at me a few times.

I was keeping myself busy by cooking while she sat in the living room with Justin and Mom. They were talking about the wedding in January and their baby. I still couldn't believe that I'd be an uncle in seven months.

Kalani excused herself and approached the kitchen where I was and walked into the doorway.

"Hey, cupcake!" she greeted me cheerfully.

"Hi, Kalani."

She pouted. "Where's that smile I always see?"

I shook my head. "I have no reason to smile today, sorry."

"It wasn't your fault, you know. The thing with Maya. If anything, Asher was mad at me, not you."

"He seemed pretty pissed at me, too. I mean... I know it wasn't my place to get into his business, and I'm really sorry about that. But, he can't expect me to defend him when, one, he won't tell me what happened, and two, if he's in the wrong."

"But you like him."

"Kalani, I have never and will never defend what's not right and true. Even if that person is very close to me."

"You can't defend Maya either. You don't know her; that's just the truth. Look, you have to wait for Asher to be ready to tell you. You don't know if it's hard for him. Give him time."

"I'd give him all the time he needed or wanted, that's not the issue."

"Then what is?"

I sighed and turned off the stove. "We're not made for each other, I guess. I honestly think that life would be much better if he focused on his job and Zion. Then maybe he could find a nice young lady to settle down with one day and have a family with her. That way, Zion won't feel left out and Asher will be happy. That's all. I can't give him that."

"He doesn't want just anyone, Nolan. He wants you. I can see it."

"I, um... I want him, too."

"Great! That's great, so you'll talk to him, right? And Zion's birthday is in two days. Ash would appreciate your help throwing a party for him."

I looked at her. "Tell him to invite Zion's classmates and friends at daycare."

"What about setting up?"

"I can bake a cake, but I'm not gonna go over his house to..." I sighed. "I was hoping you'd
understand. I guess no one does." I sat down on a stool. "It wasn't my intention to fall in-like with Asher, but he wanted a chance so I gave him one. He's... stolen my heart. He isn't bothered by the fact that I'm so young, but to be honest, I am. I keep on telling myself it's fine and that he doesn't mind, but... I feel intimidated almost, you know? I'm sorry if you don't get it; I can't
explain it any better." I then nodded over to the stove. "Want something to eat?"

She managed a smile. "I'm on a little diet. For my baby. I assume Justin's told you?"

"I overheard, actually. Congratulations, though. I, for one, am ridiculously excited."

She giggled. "I know you love children. That's always an admirable quality in a man."

I wanted to grin but I felt a sudden overwhelming feeling of sadness. I looked away and my mind
wandered to Asher, and what he could be doing at this moment. Was he thinking about me, too?

Take Me Beyond Your Heart (sequel) boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now