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(Oct 31 Sat)

It's safe to say that I was never prepared for the events that occurred in my life.

I wasn't expecting Anderson to steal me away from my family when I was four.

I wasn't expecting him to get into an accident with me in the backseat.

I wasn't expecting my precious Dawn Hempner to die on Homecoming night.

I wasn't expecting to have panic attacks for the rest of my life.

I wasn't expecting to fall in love with Shane.

I wasn't expecting him to date me.

I wasn't expecting Asher to come around.

I wasn't expecting him to have a son, though I was so glad he did.

I wasn't expecting to have deep, serious feelings for him.

I wasn't prepared for any of these things. Now, Halloween night? I didn't think that so many people would show up. Young and old. It was amazing to see Pine Creek alive again, and I saw that amazement on other people's faces as well.

I was prepared for that; I knew it would happen. I knew all the memories would come flooding back for most of these people.

I just wished someone could have told me Asher would practically hate me. I wasn't prepared for that either.

I was standing by a tree on the hill, looking out over the lake. I was in awe by the lights and how many people had come. Quite a lot of kids were dressed in costumes and playing around, stuffing their faces with candy. The teenagers were mingling, of course. Jace had come, and brought Gwen along. She was
hanging out with her old friends. Kaleb had gotten his boyfriend, Avan, to come as well. Asher was here, but he was with Kalani and Justin for the moment. Zion had
dressed up as a pirate and was playing with two friends he had found. It sucked that I couldn't go up to Ash and give him a hug and kiss. Shane and Jace were cuddling and kissing at a bench, but I wasn't jealous. I just wanted to be able to
do the same with Ash.

I felt something at my leg and I whipped around to see Rocky licking my dark jeans. A smile broke across my face as I stooped down to pet him. "Hey, buddy."

I looked around to see Assana approaching with Anderson behind her. He looked very nervous because he was letting her drag him to me.

I stood up once they got to me. Rocky was busy prancing around me with quite a lot of energy for his age.

"Hi again!" Assana waved. "We won't be long."

"Hey," I said.

"Do you wanna keep him?" was the first thing Anderson said to me, putting a leash in my hands.

"Rocky? Oh, I possibly couldn't." I shook my head.

"Please. He likes you. He always did."

"He's your dog. If anything, he loves you so much."

"I insist. He needs a better and cleaner home than what I can provide."

I bit my lip and nodded slowly. "I... yeah. I'd love to take care of him."

Assana grinned. "Anderson wanted to give you something. Go on."

I looked at Anderson and saw him nod in remembrance. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out some pictures. I noticed the tremble in his fingers, as if he was scared, but he gave them to me nonetheless.

"They're your four-year-old pictures."

I looked at them and saw my bright smile. Two of them I had taken with Rocky and I noticed the genuine happiness in my blue eyes. If there was anything I could infer, it was that, despite my kidnapping, Anderson didn't hurt me or abuse
me. I wouldn't be smiling if he did. I wouldn't have smooth skin if he did. I'd be bruised and sad. I wouldn't have even had my picture taken.

Take Me Beyond Your Heart (sequel) boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now