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Hey, sweet tarts! This story's coming to an end! Thank you for reading, and please, please comment. To be honest, I don't really care about votes, I rather have some feedback and interact with my readers than have loads of votes.


I blew out a long sigh and glanced behind me at Nolan and my son. Nolan gave me a reassuring smile.

"I'm here for you, remember? I skipped school for this." He chuckled.

I slowly nodded, my expression worried and nervous.

"I haven't seen my family in six years."

He came closer and kissed me for a second. "I love you. If something happens, and you get too uncomfortable, just hold my hand. You're not alone here."

I nodded. "Okay." I turned back and stared at the door for a little bit. "It just brings back a lot of memories." With a sigh, I rang the doorbell. It felt slightly wrong doing that. Six years ago, I would just stick a key in and walk inside, throwing my book bag down and dropping onto the couch lazily, flipping through the TV as Mom brought me lemonade. Dad would probably come into the living room and spit out that I needed to do something with my useless life
.. and something homophobic.

I knew that Aria would come flying to the door because I could already hear the determined footsteps. I was right. When the door came crashing open, there stood my lady of a sister. She
was taller with vibrant brown curls falling down her back and huge green eyes. Her lips were fuller and pink, and she was full of excitement.

"Oh..!" She cupped her mouth, eyes glistening with tears.

"Aria!" I swept her into my arms and she sobbed in my arms.

"I missed you, Asher!" She cried, holding me tight.

"I missed you, too. I was a fool for not coming back to see you."

She pulled away and fanned her eyes in an attempt to clear her view of tears. With a happy laugh, she squealed. "You look like a model, my god!"

"I'm not the only one who thinks so!" Nolan cheered, catching my sister's attention. Aria tilted her head to look past me at my boyfriend.

"Oh, hi! And- whoa, a baby!"

We entered the house and she shut the door, keeping her eyes locked on the child.

"Not a baby..." She gasped as Zion just stared at her. Overcome with shyness, he buried his head in Nolan's neck since he was carrying him. That wasn't anything new. "Asher, I will die
where I stand if this is your son. He looks exactly like you!"

"He was my surprise."

Aria gushed. "Oh, I wanna hold him! How old is he? Oh, my god, Mom has to know!"

I felt a pang in my chest. "Right. Where is everyone?"

"Out back. Ma, come quick! Guess who's here?!" Aria turned to me. "Don't worry, I didn't tell them."

"You were always good at keeping secrets." I winked at her and she nodded before looking at Nolan again.

"I'm so sorry. Nolan, my sister, Aria. Aria, this is my boyfriend," Asher introduced.

"It's nice to meet you. You have amazing eyes," she complimented.

"Thanks. You're very bubbly. We're gonna get along quite well."

She laughed. "I'm gonna go get my apparently deaf family. Wait until they see you!" She rushed away.

I turned to look at a beaming Nolan. "She's a sweetheart. I thought you said she didn't agree with your choice of dating a boy," he said.

Take Me Beyond Your Heart (sequel) boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now