Just Friends (A Zayn Malik Fanfic)

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"Mom stop crying." I pleaded. 

"I just can't believe you're leaving." She sobbed. I rolled my eyes.  

"Mom, I'll be back. I'm just going to do my job." Well, it was a loose use of the term "job" I have to admit. I mean what job allows you to tour the country with the biggest boy band in the world? None.  

"Just stay safe and check in okay?"  

"Okay mom. I have to go now. Alex and Lola are waiting for me."  

"Okay. Give me a hug." I embraced her quickly and said my final goodbyes and headed to the bus. This is it. I quickly took notice of our name plastered on the side of the bus.  

'The Secret Life'  

Not the best name I have to admit but with short notice we had to choose something. There were three of us in the band. Alex, who is a semi short, auburn haired, strong headed eighteen year old. Lola, a bubbly brunette. Also eighteen. And then there is me.  

A not so skinny body type dirty blonde and eighteen but only by a few weeks. Us three girls were all best friends who met in high school choir. We started making videos and putting them on YouTube for the hell of it. That was, until we got a call from One Direction's tour manager. Since then, our lives have been crazy 

"Megan! Stop staring at the damn bus an get in here!"  

Oh, Alex. I picked up my carry on and stepped into the gigantic bus.  

"Megan!" Lola ran to me and gave me a hug. "I can't believe it! Can you? Finally, a tour! And we are opening for the boys oh my god!" I chuckled a bit. She was always so enthusiastic.  

"Three months away from the parents and even longer if we get to go to the Australian leg of the tour. Now, this is what I call paradise!" 

"What? You aren't going to miss your parents, Alex?" I joked. 

"Nope! I'm finally free! Now, all I need to worry about are these performances."  

I had to admit, I was pretty excited to be without my mom bitching at me 24/7. As the only child, she was very protective. In fact, the only reason why I was able to go on tour was because I was finally eighteen. 

"Have you guys looked around yet?" I asked.  

"No. Lets go!"  

We wandered around the bus. It was quite large. The front of the bus had a couch, a flat screen tv, a booth with a table, and a small sink with a microwave and fridge. A little ways back held four bunk beds and a tiny bathroom. I chose one of the bottom bunks as mine, Alex took the one across from me and Lola would be above me.  

"Hey, is this a door?" I turned my attention to Lola who was examining what seemed to be a mirror. I got up from my bed and walked over. 

"Um, I think so. But how do you open it? Oh, here." I pressed a button that was on the side of the wall. It slid open slowly. Inside appeared to be a lounge. Only, it wasn't empty. Besides a gigantic couch and tv, five boys were sitting on the couch. 

"Holy fuck." I mumbled. 

"Oh hey. What's going on?" Niall laughed.  

"What's going on- oh my god." Alex came up behind us. We hadn't met the boys in person yet, so this was completely unexpected. We had all talked to them over the phone or text but never in person.  

"Surprise!" Harry yelled. I finally shook my surprise off and walked over to greet them all.

We all sat in the little lounge talking amongst ourselves about the tour. It had been about two hours since the bus had started moving.  

"So tomorrow after the first show we are going to have a little party. You guys are welcome to come." Louis offered.  

"Sounds good." I heard Lola laugh. 

"Megan, you are so not a party person."  

"What? Yes I am."  

"You haven't even had a drink in your life." She announced. 

"What?" The boys said all in unison. I felt my face go red. 

"Well, I never exactly had the chance to do it."  

"Oh, please." Alex snorted. "You could have at my house almost every time you came over."  

"I see we have a goody goody on our hands." Zayn smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him.  

"Fine. Tomorrow night ill have a couple drinks so you all can shut up." 

"I'll believe it when I see it." Lola laughed.  

"You know you don't have to do it unless you want to." Liam comforted. 

"Yeah Megan. If you're too scared you don't have to do it." Zayn teased. I rolled my eyes.  

"I'm doing it. I'll be fine."  

Tomorrow night was going to be interesting.

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