Chapter 6

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Your eyes felt like lead and your body refused to budge. Slowly your eyesight adjusted to the new surroundings. By the looks of it, you were strapped to a vertical, metallic table. Table was the only way you could describe it, but you could say platform chair. The table was centered in an unwelcoming room, with cold air brushing your skin.

Groaning, you shook your head slightly, welcomed with a fierce headache. There was surely a knot on you head, right were the trooper struck you. "Ah!" you flinched at the pain in your head. You looked down and saw your leg, poorly bandaged just the way you left it. 'What am I supposed to do about my leg, it could become infected!' You worried, unaware of the figure in the corner, watching all of your movements.

"Finally awake, are we?" he spoke coldly and stood up. Blinking frantically, hoping it was all in your mind, you realized he was actually there and you were a prisoner. "W-where am I?" you questioned cautiously. The man walked closer, to were you could see the small details in his mask. "Who are you?" you murmured, still drowsy from the smack to the head.

"Where you are is none of your concern, why you're here is more of a problem for you." The robotic voiced replied. "Uh...wait w-why am I h-here?" you stuttered sleepily, your mind did not want to cooperate at the moment. "You have information, information that I need." he paused while your head fell forward. "I-I don't k-know what your talking about..." grunting you used what little effort you had left, and lifted your head.

"Do not lie to me, I can see what is in your mind. No point in trying to act innocent." He spoke quietly. You were confused and frustrated. 'Who is this man?' You tried glaring at him, but your eyes were lucky enough to stay open. "Who a-are you?" you repeated slowly. A soft noise came from the mask, as if he sighed in frustration. "Kylo Ren, that is all you need to know about me. Now, were is the map?" He responded.

'Kylo Ren? Oh no...' Your eyes darted around the room and you started to breathe frantically. "N-no! Please let me go!" You yelled. You knew who he was and you most certainly did not want to be there. Your wrists were held back, while you tried escaping. There was not point in trying.

Kylo made a motion with his hand, and agony danced in your skull. You tried hard for the pain to go away, for it was nothing like you've ever felt before. This pain made your leg feel like a small scratch. "STOP! Please!" you screamed. Breathing heavily, you tried resisting. You gritted you teeth and forced the pain to go. Gradually the the pain disappeared. Tears brimmed your eyes as you saw that Kylo seemed frustrated.

"Stupid creature." He growled. Your head drooped and you stifled a gasp. You resisted his power, but how? From the stories you've heard, Kylo's powers shouldn't exist or yours. 'None of it should!' You looked up at him, fear swirled through your body. You shivered and rolled your head to the right, not wanting to make contact with his mask's eye slits.

"Resisting my power, but how? Unless..." Kylo said to himself. You thought about how he tried entering your thoughts, maybe you could enter his. You doubted it, but what did you have left to lose? Kylo paced slowly, glancing your way only a few times. You took the opportunity. Concentrating as hard as you could, you focused on Kylo's masked face, trying to enter his thoughts or feelings.

It aggravated your headache and stressed your thoughts, as you forced yourself to look harder, then something flashed in your mind. You sensed fear, anger, sorrow, and... goodness. You gasped slightly as you gave up trying. Kylo turned and faced towards you. He knew what you had just done.

"Fear. Anger. Sorrow. Is that what you feel? I can sense your pull to the light, why resist it?" You whispered, afraid Kylo may do something you didn't want. "What?" He uttered, tensing up. You became intimidated by his cold mask of a helmet. You straightened up and took a breath. "Take the helmet off." Turning your head to face him.

"I do not take orders from you." He growled slightly through his mask. You glared at Kylo, thinking he was not on the path his destiny is on. 'Do it, why be a coward?' You thought. You had the feeling he read your mind, for he stiffened and moved his hand to the back of his helmet. Slowly he removed the helmet. It made a soft clicking noise, then it was off. Kylo place his helmet on a small rack, then looked straight into your eyes.

He had pale skin, and jet black hair barely to his shoulders. But that's not what you noticed first. Kylo's eyes were hazel pools of emotion. They bore into your eyes, studying you. You sighed softly, and looked closer. His eyes spoke louder than his facial expression, they told a story about good and evil. Kylo walked over to you and made the same gesture he made before, yet the pain was more bearable.

"Now I see it. I should've known." His voice was deep and smooth. You looked straight into his eyes. "See what? What do you mean?" you asked carefully. He still showed no emotion, as if the helmet was never off. "The force. It's sensitive in you." He replied quietly "I should've know." You you shook your head. "No, that's a lie! I am not force sensitive." you retorted angrily. Kylo exhaled impatiently. "Oh really? You idiot, if you weren't, then how did you resist my power? Think about it, how did you do any of those things if you aren't force sensitive?" He snapped back.

So it made sense now, you looked down again. You didn't want to believe him, you just wanted to go home "So what? I don't know where your stupid map is! I just want to go home!" You fought back tears, you didn't want to cry in front of him. "I could kill you." His hand hovered of the hilt of his saber, "But, your strong and that could be useful to me." His hand moved away as he continued, "I will be your teacher. Refusal, will lead to your death." His face still clear of emotion. You glared at him, full of hate and sorrow. You knew it was hopeless to fight back. A warm stream feel down your cheeks. Turning your head, so he couldn't see your breakdown, you answered in a shaky breath.

"I-I agree."

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