Chapter 11

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"God, Tessa, I thought that that you left me for good with these imbeciles," Natasha said as I stepped out of the elevator. She crushed me in a bear hug. It was later in the evening when we got back because the men insisted that I be taken to the hospital. I agreed, reluctantly. I had stitches on the rocket gash, but they didn't patch up the rest of the cuts that I got.

"Natasha - can't - breathe!" I said to her. She quickly let go of me.  She punched me in the arm. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"For running away from me, idiot!" She said, sternly but jokingly. I shook my head and smiled at her. "Welcome back, Tessa." I grinned and walked over to Thor, who was sitting at the counter. He gave me a delighted look. The blonde warrior picked me up and spun me around as I screamed. When he put me down we laughed and laughed.

"Thank the All Father you are okay!" He finally said after we were done laughing. He observed the scratches and bruises that were all over me. "What are these, battle scars?" He asked. He rose up off of the couch. "Who in Midgard hurt you? I swear to Odin, I will -" I shushed him and he sat down, defeated.

"Thor, I got these on my own terms," I explained. "You wouldn't believe how many fights I broke up in my little part of New York. There were at least, uh, 8, maybe?" I counted on my fingers to make sure I was correct. "There were 13 in all," I stated. The group looked at me for a while. I noticed that they looked tired. Did they really look for me? Finally, Bucky spoke up.

"You sound like a scrawny punk in Brooklyn that I used to know." He looked at Steve. Steve chuckled and looked at his hands, then got up to get in the refrigerator, which was behind Bucky, who looked like he was holding back a laugh. He glanced at me. "Didn't matter how big the guy was or what the situation was about. Someone had to step in - and lose." Steve hit Bucky in the back of the head. "Ow!" Bucky exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head. Everyone burst out laughing. I laughed too, but it felt like a dagger sinking into my side. I groaned. Clint immediately rushed over to me. I put my hands up and told him I was fine. He didn't look too convinced.

"Where is Bruce?" I asked. I hoped to see my favorite scientist again.

"He's in the lab with Tony," Natasha said. I tensed up. "I could tell Bruce to come out here -" She said, taking out her cell phone.

"No," I said. Everyone turned their eyes on me. "It's okay."

Steve stepped up to me. "Are you sure that you are ready to do this?"

"I'm ready this time," I reassured him.

"You won't freak out?" Steve asked me. I sighed.

"No. Will you trust me?" I asked him and gave him the puppy face. Tony couldn't resist it when I was 4, so it might as well work now.

"Yes. Go ahead." He waved me away with a smile. Man, these people smile a lot. I make my way towards the elevator.

"JARVIS, take me to see Bruce and Stark," I commanded.

"Of course," the AI responded. When the elevator finally stopped and the doors opened, I heard arguing. I tip-toed to the corner to eavesdrop.

"Tony, I thought that you were done with weapons," I heard Bruce's voice say.

"Come on, Bruce," I heard Tony's voice whine. "It'll be fun. Chemicals and explosions. I love that stuff. It's my life. I thought you did too!"

"I love science, Tony. But it's not my whole life. There are a lot of things that are in your life Tony. How about Tessa?" I heard a slam on the table.

"Banner, I loved her." I froze. "I loved her with all of my heart. I feel like a jerk because I could never find her. I tried and hit a dead end each and every time. Can you believe I just gave up a week before that HYDRA base? I shouldn't have given up. I realize that now. I could have proven to her that I was still looking for her, still searching for her. I made JARVIS delete all of my research, of course. Now, she hates me. She thinks that I quit on her. But Tessa Gwen Stark was my everything." I felt a tear slip down my cheek. His voice was getting quieter. "She made me laugh when I cried. She made me a better person. She completed me. Now, she's out there somewhere and I have one lead: a freaking boutique. Two seconds of her in there and the footage had static, so who even knows if it was even her. I might as well give up again, right? No, wrong. She is going to be found." Tears were streaming out of my eyes as I walked around the corner. Tony was sitting in a chair in front of a bunch of computer monitors, which all had maps and security footage rolling. Bruce was behind him and helping him point out certain places. He turned around and saw me.

"Tessa!" He said, running over to me. He hugged me. When he let go of me, I saw that Tony was standing up and closer to us. I wiped my eyes.

"Did you mean all of that?" I whispered. "I heard the whole thing, I just need to know if you meant it."

"Every word," he managed to get out. "Tessa
, I didn't give up on you because I didn't care. I gave up because I couldn't stand to think about you, to think that I didn't find you yet. I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted," I murmured. I turned to walk out of the room, but I stopped myself. "Thank you for not giving up, Tony." I said to him. He smiled at me, but there was still a sad look in his eyes. I didn't call him 'Dad' because it'll just take some time. I smiled back and waved. "Everyone is up at the main floor if you want to come up," I added. Bruce and Tony nodded and I walked out. Into the elevator, up to the main floor. I stepped out of the elevator and Natasha walked over.

"How'd it go, Tessa?" She asked me. We walked into the kitchen where Steve and Clint were making pasta.

"I think that we're good. I didn't flip out and I accepted his apology that he asked for," I said as we sat down at the bar beside Thor and Bucky.

"You didn't forgive him?"

"No, not yet. I'm going to get used to him first, then I'll tell him I forgive him," I explained.

Little did I know how soon that day was.

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