Chapter 13

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"You can stop the bomb?" He asked me, in shock. I nodded slowly.

"Tony, they did something to me at HYDRA that is - uh - weird," I said. How was I supposed to explain in that short amount of time that HYDRA gave me superpowers?  I looked at the clock. 30 seconds. Get him out of here, Tessa. "Tony, I'll be fine. Just get out of here, now. If the bomb could blow up the building alone without me, the room sure has something to worry about."

"Tessa, I'm not leaving without you. Please, I can't lose you again for good." 20 seconds.

"Tony, it'll hurt you if you don't leave," I protested. "Please, I can't stand to see you getting hurt because of me. Go!" 15 seconds.

"No! Not without you!" He sent the Iron Man suit to me, but I ducked at the last minute and it attached to him instead. I forced all of my energy into making a force field around the bomb. "Tessa, what are you doing? Let me fly it somewhere." 5 seconds.

"Tony, I forgive you," I gritted through my teeth. It hurt. 4 seconds. 3 seconds.

"What?" 2 seconds.

"Dad, I forgive you!" I screamed at him. 1 second. "Dad, I lo-" The bomb exploded inside the force field, sending a burst of energy all throughout the room, knocking Dad out the window and making everything fall down. I stood tall in front of the bomb and blocked everything in my mind except for to keep the force field going. The ceiling started to crumble in pieces around me. The bomb unexpectedly exploded the second time, which broke my force field a little bit. It knocked me down to my knees, but I still held the field. I was getting really tired. If my calculations are correct, it should explode only one more time, and get a lot weaker,  I thought. It exploded again, but this time it threw me across the room and against the wall because I was worn out. I crumpled up on the floor and watched it for a minute. Nothing. I let out a breath that I didn't know I held. My eyes started to get heavy. I heard distant voices calling for me. Is this the way I'm supposed to die?  But it didn't matter. I saved everyone that I could. I saved my father. So I let the darkness take over.




"Excuse me, everyone, but Mr. Stark has requested to everyone to leave the building due to a defected bomb," JARVIS suddenly said. Everyone was in the main room, relaxing when we heard the message. "Ask no questions. Just leave the building. " We all got up and ran to the elevator, which raced us down to the ground floor. We all ran outside, confused. I looked around for Tessa. Not here.

"Where's Tessa?" Clint panicked.

The AI apparently had speakers outside. "She told you not to worry, Mr. Barton. She is with Mr. Stark. Mr. Banner is on his way down." Bruce came running outside.

"Why aren't Tessa and Tony here?" Steve asked. Apparently, all of us were worried about Tess.

"They should be coming down soon," he said confidently. We then heard an explosion from the top floor. All of us ducked and looked up. Fire had started and things were flying out the window. The glass broke and Tony fell, then flew to us. The mask flipped up and I saw an upset, heartbroken face.

"Where's Tessa, Tony?" I asked, even though I knew the answer. There was another explosion. We dodged the broken pieces of the building that were falling around us.

"She didn't want to come with me," he said, choking on a sob. "She tried to stop the bomb from destroying the whole building. I tried to give her the suit, but she dodged it and put a sort of force field around the bomb." He turned to me. "HYDRA gave her powers. She sacrificed herself to save all of us." Tears started to run down his face as another explosion blew up. We didn't even bother to dodge the small fragments that rained on us. We all looked at our feet. Tony stood there, tears streaming down his face, while Natasha cried. Bruce held his head in his hands. Steve and I just looked at each other. Thor put his head down in respect. Clint looked around at us before he screamed in agony. He bolted towards the building and up the stairs.

"Clint!" I called and raced after him. I finally got to the roof, where I saw Clint looking through the wreckage. He finally stopped, but I put my hand on his shoulder. "Come on, Clint, I'll help you. We're not going to give up on her this quick," I said.  I started to help him with my metal arm when Steve came walking in.

"Clint, I'm so sorry," he said quietly.

"Then come help." Clint responded calmly. Steve nodded and we all rummaged through the remains of the lab. I lifted up the last piece of big wall when I saw her. She was cut up pretty bad and she was bleeding badly on her right leg. I let out a breath that I had held in for too long. She was here, but I didn't know if she was alive. I snapped back to reality and I yelled for help. I flipped the big piece and they came running over. We kneeled down while Clint checked her pulse. He let out a cry. "She's alive! She's okay."  Steve scooped her up and we tore down the stairs. We burst through the doors and received shocked faces.

"Is she -?" Natasha couldn't finish.

"The girl is alright, isn't she?" Thor observed the relieved looks on our faces.

"She's okay, but I don't know for how long," Steve explained. "We have to get her to the hospital. Now." Tony suddenly threw something at me. I used my reflexes and caught it. I held it up.

"What are the keys for?"

"Take my car, Barnes," Stark said. "It'll get you there fast. It'll hold four. Take Rogers, Barton, and Nat with you."

"Thanks, Tony. Where are you going to be?"

"I'm going to find out why the order was wrong for the chemicals. I was sure that I ordered the right one, not the other one. Tell her that I'm sorry. And that it's okay not to forgive me again."

"Stark, she's going to-"

"No, Natasha. She already forgave me. She's not going to forgive me this time. Not this time." He flew into the building. Thor and Bruce looked at us.

"We will help Tony clean up," Thor finally said.

"Tell Tessa that we will visit soon," Bruce added. They walked off into the building.

Clint turned to us. "What are we waiting for? Let's go."

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