Chapter 1

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  *Authors note at the bottom, read it if you want! Hope you enjoy!

Ember's POV

        The sun has always been a weird thing for me to think about. Of course everyone loves the feel of the warm rays hitting your back as you tan in the sand at the beach, and the beautiful way it lays on the horizon creating and mixture of colors that blend so perfectly. Right now though, all I can think of the sun, is that it is seriously screwing me over.

        As I run away from the howling rouge behind me, the overwhelming heat coming from the sun is not helping. Why does the sun feel it needs to punish me more then what I'm already going through? The better question should probably be why I'm blaming my problems on the sun in the first place but that's what I do best. 

       The trees around me seem to get closer the farther I run. Not expecting it, my wolf trips over a fallen branch, making it were all four of my paws are up in the air. Obviously finally having the upper hand, the rouge smashes into me, straddling me with his wolf. Growls erupt from the rouge as he goes for my exposed neck. Quickly jerking my head the other direction, I miss his teeth by an inch. He seems taken by surprise so I decided to launch us over, so now I'm straddling him. No longer then a second I end the fight with a final blow to his throat, he gasps for air then goes completely limp. 

       Sighing I get off the wolf and shift back to human form. Slowing I start seeing my humans features starting from my feet. Going up, my curvy hips and some what hour glass figure start to become more recognizable. As I start standing up correctly I see my long brown hair lay in front of my shoulders, in all its sweaty glory.

       After the shift is finished I bend down and untie my clothes from my ankles where I keep then during wolf form. Most wolfs don't do this and just show off their nakedness but I've always been quit modest.

       Pulling up my skinny blue jeans and white tank top with a black hoodie I start my trek to the town nearby, which is peaking out of a small clearing somewhat ahead.

       Was this always how my life was going to turn out? Killing rouges in the woods then causally walking into a small town as if I didn't just commit murder? I chuckle, If my life was like this now I don't think it will ever change. I used to be happy, completely soaked in bliss actually. I was the only daughter of the Alpha and Luna of my old pack The Moon Crest. Every day consisted of me getting love from everyone, I was adored. No one though, and I mean no one, could amount to how much my daddy loved me. Once when I was 4 we found out I was slightly allergic to tulips, so he banned tulips for a whole year until my mother and I finally persuaded him to let them back. Either way my dad loved me, well he did.

       I had just turned 7 years old when a surprise attack happened on our pack. No one was expecting it, there was nothing planned, no one knew what to do, it was chaos. Half our pack was slaughtered, and that included my mother. Everyone was in great grief, but my dad was the most affected. He changed from the loving, brave, courageous Alpha to a cruel, emotionless, crazy controller. 

       He was lost, and no one could find him. He took it out on me the most. Till I was 17 I was screamed at and abused, nothing more then a problem that he couldn't get away. Finally one day he had enough of me and decided to sell me to the neighboring pack Alpha David, who wanted a heir of an Alpha to lead his pack. I remember so distinctly because that night was also the night my life changed completely. I left my pack and have been a rouge for a whole year. They have search parties for me like crazy but its never out of love. No one can love me and I won't ever let anyone try. My heart has been broken beyond repair for years and the thought of someone wrecking it up more leaves me with absolutely no hope. I don't even have a reason to be here anymore more but something inside me won't let me leave, and that's what scares me most.


Hey guys! This is my first ever story ever so hang in there with me! This story has been something I'e been trying to create it seems like forever. I would love it if you could give me some feed back on what I can work on and I will definitely put it in the next chapter which will happen! Thanks so much for even giving it a try and have a lovely day/night my crazies!

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