"let the bitch leave" plan 3

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2 days later***

"What do you mean you can't take her out of my dorm" I snapped at the lady sitting across from me. Its been 2 whole days that pink haired girl has been torturing me. All she does is kick me in my knees and tells me to go die. Or even worst... she'll eat my food.

"S-sorry Liam but I can't take her out your dorm. That's not how things work around here you have to under-"

"I fucking understand. You're the one that don't understand. What? Is it because I fucked your daughter in the back seat of my car in a alleyway 3 times? Or is it because I made you dump your jackass of a husband because you thought that we were a thing". I shook my head than gave a evil smirk. "You know what they say daughter like mother" I said tilting my head. Or is it the other way around. Well either way her daughter was way better to be completely honest. She is 10× more flexible than her mom I can give you that.

I raised my eyebrow towards her. "Shouldn't you be the most experienced one since... you know... your older than your daughter and probably had more sex than she did" her jaw dropped. I bet she wasn't expecting that one.

"Anyways how about you just put her back in the girls dorm and move on with your life... well thats only if you can go back after I just threw your past right back at you" I scold at her. She closed her eyes and rub her temples. I knew she was getting very aggravated dealing with me. Who wouldn't I mean I just ruined her life.

A heavy sigh escaped from her lips before opening up her eyes to meet back my gaze.

"There are reason she can't be put back into the girls dorm. Reason that we're not gonna discus".

I clinched my jaw angrily. What the fuck did she do to get kicked out the girls dorm? She's way to tiny to do anything really. I sighed angrily. She's ruining my life even more. I couldn't take this. I need to find away to let her leave A.S.A.P.

I got up and left the room in a instant. Shutting the office door behind me, hurrying to get back to my dorm. Well if she's gonna live with me, she's gonna have to put up with me. A devious smile spreed across my face. Lets see how long its gonna take for her to leave my room stomping. Wait even better, lets see her leave the campus... With police handcuffing her. I did it once to a girl I could do it again.


I took the keys out of my back pocket hurrying to get inside. It was cold and I didn't have time to grab a stupid jacket. I finally opened the door to the sound of The Morning by The weeknd playing quietly in her room. I slammed the door behind me for her to know that I'm back and I'm ready to raise hell.

She came out her room and headed towards the kitchen. She took a quick glance at me, "Oh honey home so soon" she said tossing her hair up into a ponytail giving me a smirk. She was wearing black shorts, long fuzzy gray socks and a black sweat shirt that had Micky Mouse on it. I threw my keys on the kitchen table.

"You look like you don't know if your cold or if your hot babe" I said smirking. She opened the fridge door grabbing the milk and setting it on the counter than glanced at me.

"First" she said throwing up one finger, "I am not your babe". "Second" she said throwing up two fingers, "I'm so hot Im suprise I didn't burn your eyes...yet". I rolled my eyes in boredom. "Oh please your beyond ugly". She threw me a glare than reached for the Frosten Flakes that's on top the fidge... she failed.

"You stupid fucker-" she said kicking the fridge. "Owwa" she yelled out in pain rubbing her foot. I couldn't stop laughing. She just did what a 5 year old would do. She's so stupid.

Talk about childish.

When I finally pulled myself together I caught her glare on me. "You can't get mad at the fridge because you can't grow a fucking inch" I started to laugh again. She started threw punch on my arm.

"Its not fucking funny".

"Yes. Yes it is".

She stopped hitting me realizing that I'm not getting hurt from her punches. So instead she glared at me which made me feel beyond uncomfortable.

She finally tore her gaze away from me. "Well I'm hungry and I get pretty bitchy when I'm hungry" she said dryly. "Your always bitchy. Hungry and not hungry" I said grabbing the box of cereal then finally a bowl and spoon.

She watched me pour the cereal and the milk into the bowl. Then I stuck my spoon into the cereal; lefting it up to put it in my mouth. Feeling the crunch of the cereal made me happy.

I felt her signature glare run over my action.

"Wow this taste so good" I said taking in another spoon full. "What? do you want some?" I said sending her a spoon full of cereal her way. Clearly she didn't like it and knocked the spoon out of my hand onto the floor.

"Is this because I took your last slice of pizza? Because if this is than I think you should've come up with a better revenge plane don't you think" she said hitting the bowl of cereal causing it too fall on the ground. Breaking it. I instanly became angry.

"You stupid bit-" " yea go suck a dick" She said nonchalantly waving her hand in the air walking towards her room. She suddenly took off her shorts than puts on some dark blue jeans (yes I looked. Her butt is really big) then headed for the the front door.

"Sabella will be back. She's gonna go and get some milk" she said slipping her foot into her black and white converse.

"Who the fuck is Sabella?". There was a pause. "Me dip shit" she said throwing me a glare than finally headed out the door.

I rolled my eyes until it landed on the keys that was innocently laying on top the kitchen table. My devious smile came out. It seems that the kid had left the keys for her to get into my dorm. I got up and walked towards the front door and locked it.

"Uhh so clueless". Not only she's gonna stay out side for the rest of the day. But she's gonna expect another surprise in the morning.

"Let the bitch leave" plan is just now beginning.

A Devious Player And His Bitchy Roommate {1}Where stories live. Discover now