Welcoming 17

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*Brooklyn pov*

My eyes slowly opened up when I felt the car had stopped moving.

Its been about an hour drive just to get to one destination and my ass was already giving up on me.

"Come on Brooklyn wake up we're here" Jia said poking me on my cheek, sounding alittle bit to thrilled.

I smiled.

I mean who could blame her. The cabin looked homie and shit I would be thrilled to.

But I'm not. I'm not happy when I'm hungry.

I sighed at my greedyness.

Opening the car door I stepped out stretching which felt like a million bucks than walked towards the trunk to grab my bags.

I had a secret bag were I hide all my favorite snacks and I was dying to stuff my tummy with my honey buns.

Ooh maybe I should eat my cheetos. I licked my lips.

Maybe I should just bring the whole damn bag.

"What you thinking about fluffy butt?" Liam said grabbing his things also.

Everyone else was to busy taking Snapchats leaving me here with the poisonous beast.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Food" I said giving him a warning that I was not in the mood to conversate.

Suddenly Liam pulled me inches away from grabbing my food bag and it broke my heart instantly.

Devastating as it sounds Liam didn't handle the warning so well.

"Aww is fluffy butt still mad at me?" He said holding both of my hands than bending down towards me to playfully pout.

I rolled my eyes than broke the hand bonding situation.

Giving him a quick glare I turned around, grabbed my bags, than walked into the beautiful cabin.

I vowed it is my destiny to eat as much junk food without worry about my weight later which sounded impossible if you asked me.

Finally reaching the door I tried to open it but it was to heavy.

I groaned loudly. "Why do I have to be so weak" I whined.

"I don't know you ask me... later" Liam said pushing pass me rudely.

He opened the door and I scoled at him "Liam you're a bitch" I barked.

I mentally laugh. Yes I bark but I would still fucking bite.

Walking into the cabin I set my bags on the table. Only grabbing my secret food bag, I took out a honey bun and eagerly started to eat it.

"Paradise" Liam said kicking his foot on the coffee table.

"You could say that again" I said to myself.

The Honey bun kept me so hypnotize I didn't hear Davarius creep up on me.

"Hey Brooklyn what you eating?" Davarius said scaring the life out of me.

I rolled my eyes.

"None of your business" I said trying my best to hide my secret stash.

I gave him a glare hoping that he'll understand what my glare meant.

You tell, you die.

Davarius pulled his hands in surrender than joined Sabella and the rest which was sitting outside in the back of the cabin.

A Devious Player And His Bitchy Roommate {1}Where stories live. Discover now