surviving the night

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I wake up I went to mine I found 28 dimmed I made Amor it was night I needed bows and gun powder I made a sword and bow I have only 2 bows I killed 5 bowers and 3 creepers I lost 5 heart's I got home to sleep wake up full health I ate two pork chops I needed more food I killed 2 cows 3 pigs and 3 chicken I mined 45 coal I cooked my food I went to bed I woke up to a boy he told me he is lost I told him you are in minecraft he told me it's his favorite game I told him it's my to I said I told him you got sucked in like me I been her four 4 days Steve sead wars you name my name is Alex we went to hunt four gun powder I told Alex he needs Amor we went to mine we made Alex some iron Amor then we went to hunt we found 23 gun powder we lost 5 heart's each we got some sand and want back to are shelter we went to mine weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee found 90 dimends!!!!!!!!!!!!! asome wean we went back up we shall somebody like Steve with white eyes stave sead it's hribrine !!! Steve sead run!!!! so they did they stabed him I the head he died we got a dimeand sword 5 gold and 7iron yes we sead at the same time it was dark we went to sleep the next morning we had full health one day we built a portel to the neither it was asome we went back to minecraft we dindint want to stay In the neather and then we fall off the wold the end

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2013 ⏰

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