Adopted By Who? El and Lou?

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LillyAnne's POV

"I'm getting adopted! Yay! It's actually happening Miss Tiffany!"

"I know sweetie."

So you are probably wondering what's going on. Well my name is LillyAnne. A lot of people just call me Lilly. But that's only close friends and family. Most school friends and teachers just call me LillyAnne. The only people that ever called me LilAnne were, well I'll get to that later. I am 12 going on 13 years old and I have been an orphan since I was 3 years old. My parents and my twin brother all died in a house fire. My older sister and I were the only ones that made it out alive. She was a lot older than me so she was going to become my legal gaurdian until she died a week later in the hospital from loss of oxygen. The doctors said that she was lucky to even make it a week. Then I got put into a foster home and Miss Tiffany has been taking care of me ever since. As I was saying, my parents and siblings were the only people that ever called me LilAnn. But anyway, I just found out from Miss Tiffany, that I am getting adopted.

"So who are my new parents?" I ask.

"It says here that their first names are Eleanor and Louis." She says. looking at her clipboard.

"I'm being adopted by who? El and Lou? As in Eleanor Calder and Louis Tomlinson?" I ask. She nodded in reply.

"Ahhhhhhh! I am such a big fan of One Direction. I thought I would be lucky just to meet them let alone live with them! This is the best day of my life!" I shout rather quickly.

"Babe, slow down."

"I'm sorry. I am just really excited! So when do I get to meet them?" I ask.

"They come and meet you tomorrow and then you will leave on Friday which is two days after they get here."

"Okay, I'll go pack!"

"No need. I already packed everything for you. I found out you were leaving yesterday while you and Grace were at the movies. You didn't think I would make you spend the rest of your time here packing did you?" I just shrug my shoulders. "I could never let you leave without spending time with you first."

"Thanks Miss Tiffany you're the best!" I say hugging her.

"Aww, it's nothin'. There is, a surprise waiting for you in your room though."

When I walk in I see a gift wrapped up in wrapping paper. When I open it up I see all five stand ups of One Direction. It's kind of weird getting a stand up of my soon to be dad and his best friends but still I really appreciate it. The only things in my room that aren't packed are my One Direction posters. I have one poster of each guy by themselves and then four of all of them together. I decide to fold all of them and put them, along with the stand ups in my suit case. Once every thing was completely packed, I decide to watch some tv on my bed.

I hear sobbing from down the hall so I decide to turn off the tv and go see what it was. I then figure out that it's Grace, my foster sister crying. I got here a year after she did and I am older than her by one day. Grace is the only foster child that has been here and hasn't left yet. Besides myself and Dylan, an 11 year old who just got here eight months ago. Everyone else comes and goes within two or three months of being here.

"Grace", I say walking in, "why are you crying?"

"Isn't it obvious? You're leaving. You're my best friend Lilly. You're the only one I can trust at school and outside of school."

"Well, Dylan will still be here."

"Yeah but it's not the same. Dylan doesn't like to stay up all night watching Disney movies and talking about boys. He doesn't have to deal with all of the drama that you and I have dealed with. Together."

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