Chapter 3: First Day in London

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LillyAnne's POV

When we get to the store, we go straight to the paint section.

"What color do you want?" Harry asks.

"You can get at least three colors. Maybe more depending on what decorations you get." El says.

"What are your favorites? Make sure you pick them!" Louis yells

"Make sure they're bright!" Niall screams making us all jump.

"And make sure everything else matches!" Zayn also yells but not quite as loud as the other two did.

"Guys, let the poor girl breathe." Liam says.

"Sorry daddy." They all say popping out their bottom lip and dropping their head down.

"Okay, now", I say starting to reply to all of them, "Harry, I'm not sure. El, okay thank you. Louis, bright blue, bright orange, and bright purple. Niall, okay I will. Zayn, why wouldn't I? And Liam, thank you." I point to all of them individually as I say their name and to reply they all nod their heads.

"Your favorite colors are blue, orange, and purple?" Louis asks. I nod. "Aren't most teenage girls favorite color pink?"

"Some. In Louisiana, people my age are split up into three categories. You have the popular crew. Those are people, that are well, popular. They have a lot of friends. Some of them hang out with all types of people but they have so many friends and everyone knows them that it doesn't matter who they hang with and some only hang with populars and you want to stay away from some of those people because some of them are the bullies (A/N: Sorry if this offends anyone, but I have been bullied and everyone that bullied me would fall under this category and btw I personally as well as the character fall under the last one that LillyAnne will name). Then, you have the outcasts. The people no "pop" wants to be around. If you smell, or are overweight, or gay, or goth, or shy, or something like that, you're considered an outcast. They are often bullied by the pops. Then you have the middle people. There's not really a name for them. They are friends with anyone but they aren't specifically popular or an outcast. Well, some are friends with both, then some are only friends with pops and other middle people, some are friends with the outcasts and other middle people, and some are only friends with middle people. There is a lot more to tell you but it would take forever."

"Well, that is very detailed, but what does this have to do with colors?" Niall asks.

"The point is, most pops like pink and girly tones. Most outcasts like dark colors and shades. And most middle people are slightly tomboyish so they like different colors." I explain to them.

"So, does that make you a middle person?" Zayn asks.


"Okay. Now let's get shopping!" Louis yells running through the section. We continue to look through stuff for my new room.

*Several Hours Later & After Nandos*

"Whoo! I am tiiiiiired!" Niall yells as we all walk through the side door with a billion bags in our hands. The paparazzi is outside the front door and only management knows about me so in order to keep it a secret we have to stay away from them.

"El and Lou, thanks for taking me shopping for my new room and for taking me out to eat. I will make sure I pay you back. And by the way, Nandos was really good!"

"Duh!" Niall shouts as soon as I say that last part. We all start to laugh and as soon as we all catch our breath, Louis starts talking.

"Well, Lilly, it was our pleasure taking you out. And don't even think about paying us back!" The first part he said was calm, the last part was kind of loud.

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