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Hey! Soooo first of all, HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY LIAM! We all love you! You are such an inspiration to all Directioners! You are very talented at what you love to do! I know you will never read this but I feel like I should write it anyway!

Second, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but my family decided that we were going to North Carolina to see the other side of my family at the last minute. I was at my friends house and when I called to see when my parents were coming to get me mom said when they were done packing and I was like packing for what and she said North Carolina so as soon as I got picked up we left for NC and there wasnt any internet plus I was spending time with family. Also I have been busy this whole summer so I havent had much time to write.

Now, school is starting the 4th for me so I won't be updating as often but please don't stop reading my story because of that. Also I might be uploading more than one chapter so that way you will have more to read while you wait!

Last, I am having another contest! Sorta! If you want to be a character in my story please comment and let me know and I will continue from there.

I lied, THIS is the last thing. I plan on updating either later tonight or sometime this weekend! Possibly tomorrow, but idk cause I am gling to the state fair. So again please don't stop reading because of my slow updates and again if you want to be a character let me know!

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