Chapter 5 || Anakin's "Promotion"

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Anakin just arrived at the Council. I wonder why the Council wants to see me... thought Anakin again. He had no idea that the Council had a big surprise for him. As he stepped in the room, the Jedi greeted him saying, "Ah, we've been expecting you."

"On the Council, you are." explained Master Yoda.

"Really? I didn't--" told Anakin. He was cut off by Mace Windu, one of the Jedi Masters.

"But we do not give you the rank of a master. We don't know if you are ready for the responsibilities." cut in Mace Windu.

Anakin was devastated. How could they put him on the Council if he wasn't a master?! He thought furiously.

"Anakin! A Jedi must not feel anger!" Obi-Wan scolded, he sensed Anakin's rage and he was worried about his apprentice.

He didn't respond, but he heard him. Anakin was very stubborn to Obi-Wan at times like this.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master now you will be." said Master Yoda.

"Thank you, Master." replied Obi-Wan with a straight face. He was finally a Jedi Master. How he wanted to become one when he was a padawan under Master Qui-Gon's wing.

"The Chancellor is making us suspicious. Anakin has to go to his office to check on him." said Mace Windu.

"Did you put me in the Council just to spy on him?!" asked the shocked Anakin. Anakin felt that the Jedi were just using him. He felt that the Jedi were betraying him too.

"You are the closest to him. We need you to do this. You are the only one he trusts." added Mace Windu, pleading him to do it.

"Alright..." Anakin sighed. He went out of the Council room and rushed to their house.

I wonder if Padmé's back yet...

A/N: The end of chapter 7! Did you guys like the chapter? I know I got this from the movie or other writers.

Hey, I have to make Anakin a little pissed off here, (heehee...) (Sorry if you're an Anakin fan), so he would go to Chancellor Palpatine for advice. That's all. May the Force be with you!

P.S. Sorry for being so mean to Anakin.


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