Texts and Eavesdropping

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Chapter Four

Texts and Eavesdropping

Elli was not good at research, truth be told. That being the case, her attempts to find out what Kaitlyn exactly was weren’t going well. After living in the house for a week, she still didn’t have a clue. Desmond wouldn’t tell her and Richard didn’t know either and wasn’t going to use his power to find out. He apparently avoided visions as much as possible.

The flyers around town changed, advertising only one room. Adeline must have really needed the cash from the renters. It was no surprise. Gas was crazy expensive and college tuition wasn’t cheap either.

The new moon was in a few nights, a scary thought for Elli. While werewolves were at their most powerful on the night of the full moon, vampires had the most strength under a new one. They thrived in darkness and a night with no moonlight was a night with little light. She couldn’t shake the feeling that someone would die that night. It was definitely dampening her mood.

Her room was looking a little more lived in. Black and white sheets covered her bed. Purple and pink plaid curtains kept the sun out of the room, finally letting her sleep past sunrise. When she was home, her tennis shoes were carelessly tossed in the center of the room and her phone sat on the beat up dresser. If she had more stuff and more mess, it could be any young woman’s room.

The sound of something buzzing on the nightstand woke her that day. She glanced over at her phone in surprise. Maybe Addy needed something. Groggily, she picked it up and her surprise increased. It was a text from her brother.

“Cambell’s dead.” The message felt like a knife in the heart. The green-eyed, sandy haired little boy had been the youngest member of their pack. He had been like a little brother to her.

“U sure?” she sent back.

Moments later, “Yes. I went to the funeral. He was the last one.”

Her eyes widened. The last one? It made sense; he was the youngest. Still… Her pack was dead. The wolf in her wanted to howl in sadness and mourning. At the same time, it was one less threat to worry about.

“Miss u,” she informed.

“Miss you, too. Hope all is well. Talk soon.”

With that, the conversation was over. He had more than likely shut his phone off and she didn’t bother replying. Even if it was still on, there would be no answer. Communication was too risky and the pair tried to stick to the essentials. He was probably surprised that she even texted back at all. Normally her phone wouldn’t even be on until she was expecting a phone call.

Her mind reeled. No more pack. That was…sad. It hurt even more than leaving had, which had gone against every instinct she had. Every bone in her body wanted her to stay, but she couldn’t. This was even worse than that. No more pack. That basically meant, aside from her brother, no more family. She was truly alone. That was a harsh reality.

She exited the room and walked down the hall, knocking on Desmond’s door. She spent the most time with him, while everyone else was in class. He was a pretty cool guy, if quiet around the rest of the household.

He opened the door and looked at her. “Something wrong?”

Was it that obvious? She nodded and he opened the door wider, inviting her into the room. After entering, she collapsed on his bed and told him the details of her morning.

“Wow… A wolf without a pack. I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of that,” he commented, not really being very helpful.

“It doesn’t happen often. When a pack dies, usually the whole pack dies. I shouldn’t be alive right now, because I shouldn’t have run.”

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