Awkwardly Adorable Arrangements

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Chapter Nineteen

Awkwardly Adorable Arrangements

Elli kept Desmond out for as long as she could possibly manage, not wanting to return home to the awkward sleeping arrangements. Unfortunately, they had to go back eventually. By the time they returned, Addy had taken the Sonata and the boys had taken the Ranger over to the apartment. The vehicles had been loaded up and all their stuff now rested on the floor of the living room. They were pretty much officially moved in.

“Well, so much for having everything out in the open,” Desmond sighed.

“Yeah, let’s not tell them,” Elli agreed.

“It would make things easier for you, at least.”

“It would mean he knew. It wouldn’t make things easier. It would probably scare him off. What human wants to date a werewolf?”

He shrugged. “Perhaps the kind that knows he’s a werewolf’s mate.”

She shook her head. “The kind that knows that gets the hell out of here, which would pretty much kill me. So let’s not tell him.”

“Your choice, I suppose.”

She paused a moment in their conversation, listening for Jasper’s heartbeat to determine his location in the house.

“They’re in the kitchen,” she informed him.

“You should let them know we’re back. I’m going to bed.”

She sighed. “Thanks for letting me face them on my own.”

He smiled at her. “You’re welcome.”

He headed up the stairs and she went to the kitchen where the three humans stood. Jasper looked tired and annoyed as his friends continued their argument about staying here. Elli was surprised there was anything left to debate with all of their possessions cluttering up the living room.

She cleared her throat to alert them to her presence. Jasper breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her.

“We’re back. I thought Jasper might want to know…” she trailed off suddenly aware of just how awkward it was to be sharing a bed with her mate. She considered sleeping on the couch, but that would take too much explaining. Damn…

“I can sleep on the couch,” he offered. Her mind wanted to accept it, but heart didn’t. Besides, that would be rude.

“No, it’s fine. I’m heading up there now.”

“Thank God,” she heard him mutter.

“Mind if I accompany you?” he asked with a small smile in place.

“Not at all,” she replied with a smile of her own. Addy and Peter hadn’t even paused in their discussion and didn’t seem to be aware of their friends’ departure.

He grabbed a backpack from the pile of stuff in the living room and they headed upstairs to her room. He sighed as they put some distance between the bickering pair.

“I don’t understand why he’s so opposed to living with her. He’s had a crush on her since like sixth grade or something ridiculous and heaven knows she likes him back. I don’t get people.”

She chuckled. “Neither do I.”

Granted, that might be because she was almost more wolf than person.

They entered her still very empty room. Even though she knew she was staying, she had yet to personalize it.

She headed over to the dresser that contained the few articles of clothing she had and dug through it, searching for her pajamas.

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