Bad Guys Don't Take Holidays

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Chapter Thirty

Bad Guys Don’t Take Holidays

The living room was all decorated for the upcoming holidays. An over-the-top Christmas tree sat in the corner, covered from ceiling to floor in ornaments, garland-- the shiny kind and the popcorn variety, candy canes, lights, ribbon, and tons of tinsel. A light-up angel figure adorned the top. The walls were covered with décor, wreaths and ribbons, nativity and Jesus paintings, and more garland. On the mantel of the fireplaces sat a mini North Pole town made of figurines that had to have taken a long time to collect. Everyone was dressed in ugly Christmas sweaters- even Blake had joined in on the festivities. There were pictures and cookies and happy memories made as they all ignored the fact that the hunters were still around somewhere.

Now with the decorating done, the couples were going to finally get around to that group date. Blake said something about plans for the evening before disappearing. The car arrangements were quickly made. Since the Sonata fit five and the Ranger fit three, the girls took the truck and Peter drove the car, with all the guys piled in. Richard and Noah were undoubtedly the most pleased with this arrangement.

Things between the housemates were great, aside from the unspoken fear of the hunters. The girls talked about their dates happily. Addy and Peter were getting more serious. They were practically sharing a room. Kate and Desmond were dating, but still not exclusive. Elli had been on a few dates with Jasper, most of which had happened in the house but she still totally counted. Over all, the three girls were happy.

Their truck arrived at the restaurant first, the car separated by one vehicle. The girls parked towards the back, where it was mostly empty. The car that had been between the two groups pulled into the lot and found a spot closer to the restaurant, leaving the space near the trio open for Peter to pull into. The guys spilled out of the car, as cheerful as the girls had been. It was easy to assume the group had been drinking though none of them actually had.

The pairs instantly coupled up, holding hands with their significant others and continuing their merry conversation as they walked to the entrance.

Richard let out a low growl that surprised everyone, before they heard it.

“How cute. The little band of misfit couples,” a familiar voice sang. Luna grinned at them from the backseat of the car that-- Elli realized-- was blocking their path to the building.

The hunter pulled out a crossbow and shot.

“Duck!” Elli roared, hoping the command was quick enough. Her pack, non-werewolves included, hit the ground aside from Desmond, who stared at the car like he was seeing a ghost.

“…Megan?” he called. Luna glanced over at him, eyes widening with surprise before her brow furrowed in confusion. “I thought you were… I thought I had… How are you alive?”

Her frown deepened. “I could say the same about you, Des.” She was reloading the bow as she spoke. “You’re supposed to be dead. Someone is going to lose their job over this. Or maybe their head.”

She grinned menacingly and fired again, directly at Desmond this time. Kate pulled him down into the snowy parking lot with her before it could hit. The arrow embedded into the tire of an unfortunate patron’s vehicle, which begged the question, where had the other one gone?

A heart-wrenching shriek of, “NO!” answered that question. The sound put Elli on the offensive.

She leapt up from the crouching position she had ducked into, moving to the front of the pack. Without a command given, Noah and Richard flanked her, protecting the humans. Kate was still quiet, which was a good enough sign. It meant no one was dying… yet.

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