Supernatural Get Together

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Chapter Seven

Supernatural Get-Together

It was Saturday and Addy was at work, like always. She was almost never home, honestly. It was nearly possible to forget that she actually even lived there.

The full moon was in a week and a half. Noah didn’t seem to care, though Elli was dreading it. It was her least favorite night of the month.

There had been no new murders since Noah moved in, thankfully. All in all, the last four days had been uneventful and pleasantly peaceful. Elli was about to screw that up.

It was eight in the morning; she had no idea if the rest of the household was awake (she had no idea why she was), but she knew how to get them up. After showering and getting dressed in her usual white T-shirt, leather jacket and jeans, she headed into the kitchen and raided the fridge. Then she began preparing a breakfast of bacon, eggs, and pancakes, knowing the smell would waft through the house. The food would get them up, especially the bacon.

Sure enough, it took fifteen minutes before the house was assembled in the dining room. Desmond and Richard were dressed, though Noah and Kate were still in jammies. Noah’s pajamas were just a pair of sweatpants. Kate’s consisted of fuzzy pink pants and an oversized, black T-shirt with a pink bunny on it. Desmond wore dark jeans with a white button-up, which seemed like an odd combination to Elli. Richard also had on dark jeans paired with a brown T-shirt with…was that a black cardigan? How…hipster…of him. The cardigan covered his arms and he wore gloves again. His feet were covered by socks. Only his head was exposed. He really did not like having visions.

Elli finished cooking and brought the mountain of food to her housemates. Thank the gods that Addy worked at a supermarket so she got a discount on the groceries. They went through insane amounts of food. It didn’t help that there were two resident werewolves, who required more sustenance than the humans.

She sat between her brother and Desmond, at the head of the table. Richard was next to Noah, a fact that would have elicited giggles from her at a different time. Kate sat to Desmond’s right. She grabbed six pancakes before letting everyone attack the food. She drowned the stack in butter and syrup, thinking to herself that she might end up giving herself a heart-attack with her butter intake. Funny, since being a vegetarian was supposed to prevent high cholesterol.

After inhaling half the stack of pancakes, she decided it was as good a time as any to bring up what she wanted to discuss with them. It felt weird to interrupt the silence, but well, she had gathered them all for a reason, might as well get it out of the way now.

“So why are we all here?” she wondered. For the most part, she received stares of confusion. She sighed and barged on, between mouthfuls of fluffy, syrupy deliciousness. Gods, she loved pancakes. “None of us are human, if you hadn’t already caught onto that. Addy’s the only one who is. So what are the odds that we all end up here?”

Kate- poor, clueless Kate- gaped and looked around her, studying each of her housemates in surprise. “None of us?”

“Werewolf,” Noah reluctantly admitted, staring at the food instead of meeting her eyes.

“Wizard,” Desmond explained as though it were the simplest thing in the world and he was amazed she didn’t know it.

Richard muttered something unhappy (it sounded suspiciously like, ‘Dammit, Elli’) before saying, “Seer.”

“What Noah said,” came Elli’s response.

“And I’m a banshee… …so none of us are human?” She looked absolutely mind-blown.

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