The Lunar Cycle

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Chapter Nine

The Lunar Cycle

Elli walked to the hardware store at ten am. She bought some extra paint, three more cans of a light tan color for the wall and another can of white for the trim. She also picked up some zip ties, several feet of cable, and even some chains, receiving a weird look for her purchases. The ties, cable, and chains went into her backpack while she awkwardly carried the four gallons of paint. They weren’t that heavy, at least not to her, but they weren’t exactly shaped to carry so many at once. Once she arranged them in a more convenient manner, she began the walk back to the house.

Kate, Addy, and Richard had left the house at eight thirty to get to the campus. Desmond was out doing who knew what. She thought he had a lunch date, but she wasn’t sure. She only knew that he was gone. That left her and Noah in the house.

She dropped the cans of paint off in the living room. They had finished sanding down one wall yesterday, after Noah and Richard had joined in. Then they had split into two groups, Kate and Addy in one, Elli and the boys in the other. The girls had started painting, while Elli’s group had started sanding another wall. They’d kept going until the paint ran out and the wall was finished. Then they had a group dinner before splitting off their separate ways. Noah and Richard hung out in the dining room again. Kate and Addy were discussing décor for the living room. Elli and Desmond had gone for a walk, while she bugged him about the many dates he had gone on recently. It had been a nice way to spend the day.

She headed up to her room, gathering some of her stuff. She hunted down a baggy black t-shirt and some loose fitting jeans and changed into those. Her leather jacket was carefully folded and placed in one of the drawers. A knock at the door interrupted her. She turned as Noah opened the door.

Before he could utter a word, she said, “No.”

He looked crestfallen. “But-”

“No, Noah. I know it’s our first full moon together in years, but no. I don’t want to spend it together. You know I like to spend it alone.”

“Yeah, but I was hoping it would be different this time. You didn’t spend it with the pack for two years and now I haven’t seen you in three.”

“Doesn’t change a thing. Enjoy it on your own. I already have plans.”

“Come on, we can go hunting together!”

She shook her head, rolling her eyes at him. “I’m a vegetarian.”

“You’re still partaking in that nonsense?”

“The only meat I’ve cooked while we’re here was bacon. Because it was a trap. Everything else I’ve made was vegetarian.”

He frowned. “You’re the one responsible for the lack of meat in my diet? I just figured it was Kate.”

“Vegetarian. So have fun hunting without me. I’ll see you in the morning.”

He sighed and looked at her. “I can’t figure it out. Werewolves like to stay in a pack, but you avoid others on the full moon like they have the plague. I don’t get it.”

She shrugged. “I’ve always been a bit of an omega. Don’t question it. Life’s simpler when you don’t.”

Keys jingled and clicked in the lock on the front door. It opened and then closed and locked. Desmond was home. Good, Elli needed to talk to him.

“I’ll see you later, Noah,” she said, throwing her backpack back on.

“You’re leaving now?” he asked, surprised.

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