Seth Returns

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Seth Returns

Richard couldn’t remember the last time he had felt so awful. He was still dry-heaving, which was surprisingly draining. He felt exhausted, but he couldn’t sleep. His body ached in places the hunters haven’t even hit. If he managed to survive this, he was never touching heroin again. This was horrible.

Victor was definitely losing patience and Richard couldn’t figure out why. He seemed to enjoy the seer’s pain and misery, so why was he suddenly rushing to get information? It didn’t make sense. Granted, Richard’s mind wasn’t that clear so trying to think about this mystery wasn’t going well.

He tugged at his restraints for the umpteenth time, knowing it was useless but still hoping he could break free. Of course, he had no idea where he was and thus no idea where to go, but at least he would be getting away from this place.

The door opened and he sighed, assuming it was Victor and reluctant to deal with the hunter and the pain he would bring.

However, when his eyes adjusted to the extra light, he found a young man he had never seen before. His black hair was messy and almost hid his blue eyes. The knife in the guy’s right hand made him cringe. It was pretty safe to assume he was another hunter.

The stranger approached and Richard couldn’t help but flinch. He never bothered to hide his fear, but that didn’t matter. No matter how scared he was, he stubbornly refused to answer questions. He was determined to keep his friends safe for as long as he could.

He found himself in shock when instead of using the dagger to hurt Richard, the man used it to cut the ropes holding him.

“Can you walk?” the hunter- was he a hunter?- questioned as he sliced the ropes binding Richard’s legs.

“Maybe,” he replied weakly. “Why?”

“So I can figure out how to get you out of here.”

“Why?” he repeated. Who was this guy? And what were his motives for helping a complete stranger? Richard was suspicious.

“Because this is wrong,” he replied as though it was the simplest thing in the world.

“Who are you?” he wondered.

“Seth,” was the only response he received to that question. “We need to hurry. Let’s go.”

“How do I know I can trust you? For all I know, this is just a cruel trick.”

Seth sighed, clearly annoyed with all these questions. “You’re a seer, right?”

He grimaced but nodded. Seth offered him his hand.

“See for yourself.”

Richard frowned, but knew it would be the best way to decide whether or not he could trust the stranger. He removed one of his gloves and cautiously touched Seth’s outstretched hand.

A younger Seth stood with a younger Luna and they both fired guns at a pair of attacking werewolves. The wolves dropped.

An older Seth sat behind a desk, running a hand through his hair and looking stressed.

Seth and Victor arguing over the definition of “human”. Seth eventually caving and giving up his stance.

Seth helping Richard get home.

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