What the Hell Just Happened?

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

What the Hell Just Happened?

Noah woke up at 10:46 pm, wondering when he had dozed off and how he had ended up in this position. He and Richard had been happily chatting and laughing as they sat on Noah’s bed. Now, Richard’s head was resting on Noah’s chest and Noah’s arms were wrapped around the boy in a possessive hug.

He did his best to break the hug, but saw no way of getting out of the situation without waking him. With a reluctant sigh, he lightly shook his mate awake. Richard sat up and stretched before trying to tame his hair. Noah smiled at the sight, finding it incredibly cute. He sighed once he realized he was thinking that and Richard looked over at him.

“What’s wrong?”


He frowned. “You’re a bad liar.”

Gods, dammit.

“It’s nothing, really,” he insisted.

“C’mon. Something’s on your mind.”

He won’t stay single forever, he reminded.

“It’s just…is there something between us?” he quietly asked.

Richard quirked an eyebrow. “I don’t know. You tell me.”

He blinked. “…what?”

“Is there something here, Noah?”

“I…um…” He fell silent, not having expected the conversation to take a turn like this.

“Well, are you going to say something?” he demanded, crossing his arms.

“What do you want me to say? That I want to be with you?” he snapped, with little thought.

“The truth, Noah. That’s what I want you to say. So if that’s the truth, then yeah. Say that. But for the sake of whatever sanity I have left, say something.” He uncrossed his arms, doing a dramatic gesture to go with the sentence.

“Fine. I want to be with you, dude. I’ve wanted to be with you since that first day I got here when I ran into you on the stairs and I literally don’t even know what I said to you before I ran off with my tail practically between my legs. I wanted you the night I found out about your heroine problem and it took all of my willpower not to just hold you and tell you everything would be fine. It killed me when Elli told me that Victor Chase had gotten his hands on you and it’s quite possible that I will kill that son of a bitch if I get the opportunity.”

“So why the hell haven’t you pursued anything? Am I not good enough for you?” He was on his feet now, with his hands on his hips. The position might have been cute, coupled with a different question.

“What? No! Gods, no. It’s just… you were so fragile and human and-” He scrambled off the bed in order to move closer to Richard.

“So I wasn’t good enough!”

“No! I didn’t want you to get hurt! And I miserably failed at that.”

“Shouldn’t that have been my decision to make?”

“I… You… Yes. Okay? It should’ve been, but it wasn’t. Gods… There are just so many problems that happen when a werewolf mates with someone who’s not a werewolf.” He didn’t mean to let the word ‘mate’ slip, but it didn’t seem to even faze Richard.

“You can’t just assume things will go badly! The fact that I wasn’t a werewolf shouldn’t have stopped you.”

“What about the fact that you were a seer? You even said you couldn’t date!” he argued.

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