The Aftermath

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Chapter Thirty-Three

The Aftermath

Addy leaned on Elli as they limped out of the room to find the rest of the pack. Victor’s one shot had hit her in the leg, but it would heal. Desmond could probably fix it, if he hadn’t drained his magic from the fight. Elli was back in her human form before they were even halfway down the staircase.

Their housemates were in the little foyer area and Elli didn’t miss the look of relief that crossed Jasper’s face as they returned. His best friend and his girlfriend were okay. Her own eyes roamed, making sure everyone else was alright. There were a few scrapes and bruises. Desmond had taken a bullet to his wand hand, which might be problematic for healing, but at least he was alive. They were all alive and she felt much better.

“So what happened?” a familiar asked, joining them in the room. Elli glanced to her right to see Seth walk in.

“Victor and Luna attacked us and Blake killed them,” Addy replied, giving the short version. Blaming him for everything still didn’t sit right with Elli, but she knew it was for the good of the pack.

Seth stared at her for a moment and she had a feeling he knew it was a lie. “Okay. I’m closing your file. Hunters will stop coming after you guys. Just don’t do anything to get back on their radar.”

She nodded. “And what are you going to do?”

He shrugged. “Tie up a few loose ends and then quit, I guess. I can retire by now. Some hunters do.”

“Well, as far as I’m concerned, you’re still family and I don’t think we’re going anywhere. You’re always welcome to stop by and you know where to find us.”

He gave her a small smile. “Thanks, little cousin.”

“I’m not really that little anymore.”

He ruffled her hair and grinned. “Doesn’t matter, pup. You’re still younger than me. Might want to get your pack home.”

Her eyes glanced over at them and she agreed. Jasper could drive again and Addy and Desmond would be able to sit in the back.

“See you later, Seth,” she said before they headed out. Addy continued leaning on Elli as they hiked to the car. It was a fairly silent journey. She spotted Desmond staring at his hand a few times, but he didn’t complain. It occurred to her that maybe he wouldn’t be able to do magic anymore and she didn’t know how to feel about that. She hoped it wasn’t the case. Even if it wasn’t exactly his best habit, she knew how much it would bother him to be forced to quit. There was also Peter to consider. His life depended on Desmond finding a spell that could save him. She sighed and pushed that thought away. Right now, she needed to get this part of the pack home before she could worry about Peter.

The car fit five. Richard rode with the humans while Noah and Elli walked back. Their pace was significantly more leisurely than it had been on the way to the base. After a long silence, her brother finally spoke.

“You okay?”

“Fantastic,” she muttered wearily.

“It was the right thing,” he replied, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“I know. Gods, do I know. He’s nearly killed two of us and he did kill the rest of our family. But like… he used to be family, you know? And I miss that. I just miss… everything.”

They stopped walking and he pulled her into a hug. “Me, too. But we’re doing alright. We have a pack again. It’s a little weird, but it’s a pack. We have each other. We’ve met our mates, who’ve proven to be pretty touch for a couple of humans. You’re doing a good job as an alpha. Mom would be proud. Things aren’t the same, but they’re not bad. We’ll be okay. Okay?”

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