Chapter 08

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That day was an awfully bad one for Hakata. It was like every single good plan he had got twisted and thrown out to nothingness. By these people currently bickering in the meeting room. Such a way to piss people off.

"Oi~ Hakata, why can't we use the garden instead for the meeting? Staying indoor is boring," said the Queen of Diamonds, Tsurumaru Kuninaga.

"I-I'm sorry, Queen of Diamonds, but we didn't think the garden is an appropriate place to discuss important matters—" Akita tried to reason him but his words were cut short.

"King of Spades, can I have more glass of water please? The weather in this kingdom of yours is certainly sunnier than ours, I need to keep my King dehydrated at all costs," requested the Queen of Clover, Horikawa Kunihiro.

"Hori, I'm fine. The room is cooler than outside after all," the King of Clover, Izuminokami Kanesada, sighed. His Queen could be too much of a worry-wart with his eyes baring the mark staring at him, but he knew it was for his sake.

"Uh—yes, certainly! I will get you your water in a moment!" Akita stood up, only to have Hakata hold his wrist, telling him to stay on his seat.

"Gentlemen, I would like to start the meeting right about now. We have wasted so much time, and by wasting time we also wasted money, which is something I can't tolerate," Hakata said, smiling though anger barely in control, "So could you please have a seat and act accordingly?"

The sound of snort came from the King of the Hearts, Gotou. Akita started to pray to the Gods out there.

"Well, well, well, King of Spades, look at the mess of the meeting you lead. It sure would be better if I were the one leading this meeting."

Hakata rolled his eyes. "You think so? Didn't the last meeting held in your kingdom end up to be a whole new level of disaster to all of the guests?"

"I was surprised that time!" Tsurumaru laughed out loud in a not so graceful manner, "That was the best! We got chased by bees and so on! That's why meetings in the garden is fun!"

Horikawa sighed. "My, Queen of Diamonds, everyone knew it was of your doing."

"Really? Whoa, I'm surprised everyone knew!"

Gotou pouted out of his annoyance. "At least my kingdom is better than yours."

"How's so?"

"If your kingdom was good, no one would run away from it."

Akita quickly stood up once more, stopping the conversation before it led to dangerous situations. "Everyone! Please let's just start the meeting so we can rest earlier okay? I know we're all tired."

The Queen of Hearts, Monoyoshi Sadamune, didn't say a word throughout the ordeal. Still, his right hand that was graced with a mark held his King's shoulder, effectively calming him down.

"So?" Kanesada spoke up, stopping the tension between two Kings. "What's our agenda for today?"

Hakata sighed as kept his wrath in check. "It's about the Kingdom of Diamonds."

"My kingdom?" Tsurumaru tilted his head.

"As you all know, we long for the balance between the four kingdoms to create the strong and powerful nation. But with things left as it is, we have huge risk of another nation attacking ours without much effort. That risk comes from the declining strength that we have."

"Especially from the Kingdom of Diamonds that doesn't have sufficient royalties, is what our problem now?" Monoyoshi finally took a chance to speak.

"Exactly. The King of Diamonds has passed away and the kingdom is barely surviving with the help of the Ace and the Jack only. The Kingdom of Diamonds should have let new generation take over the throne several months ago, as the four kingdoms usually hold a coronation ceremony in the same day, but it couldn't be fulfilled since," Hakata paused to look at Tsurumaru whistling while averting his gaze, "the Queen himself refused to leave the throne."

Loud weary exhalation from majority of royalties in the room could be heard clearly.

"What? Being a Queen is good! Like I would let go of my place!" said the white man while touching his mark on his forehead.

"But what can you do alone? A Queen can't convert energy! If you're being attacked, there will be no one in the Kingdom of Diamonds that can save you! Please let the next generation take over!" Kanesada exclaimed, slightly showing his mark on his tongue.

"Gee, I still have my strong Jack, Yamanbagiri! Besides, what's the harm? There had been no war for the past decades, I'm sure there won't be for more years to come!"

Horikawa face-palmed.

"If only the whole humanity had that exact thinking, there will be no wars indeed."

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