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When Lucy was adopted she was five. She thought it would of been the best thing ever. So she thought.....hmmm... Her full name is Lucy Jeane Hale born on April 02, 1996 in Denver, Massachusetts. And she has two other sisters, one younger and one older. So as her story goes on....when she was adopted it took time, days, and months. Some days went by some didn't. But when it finally came her and her sisters time to get adopted. Names had to be changed and they had to adjust to the new lady. Now her name is Katie Lucy Davis. So as time and days went by things happened.  Things that you possibly couldn't. She thought her life was in good hands. But come to find out its not. Even when the time came for her to get adopted her and her case worker had planned to have a goodbye party for her. She made a list of things she wanted like a big chocolate cake, cookies, and juice. She had some much fun with her case worker. They played games, they painted, they even bonded. But it was to her case worker's attention she was leaving and not coming back. So they partied and a whole lot of fun. Lucy even went to school. She even made friends good friends. Her and friends argued a couple of times but still remained best friends. Lucy even had her first crush. But come to find out he doesn't like her. Lucy was put into three different schools. Two regular schools and one behavioral school. She was put on medicine and all types of things. That's why she went to a behavioral school. But in her case she didn't know why she was on medication she was too young too know why. But as life went on she was careful. To her life was a good and happy place to be. But that doesn't end here. Not yet.....

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