pervet much ?

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ruby's POV

i stood there in the shower letting the hot water run over my fair skin , tracing my slim body it felt great to have a proper shower because unlike usual showers mike would spray me with freezing cold water from the hose or i would sit near the trap door and let the rain that drops from the cracks wash me and thats about it but then again thats how they treat slaves

After i finished i wrapped the towel around me and stepped out of the shower , i made my way to the door leaving a trail of water drops behind me . i opened the door and there stood derrick right outside my shower door.. or well his shower door but thats not the point . the point was he was listening to me have a shower THE CREEP "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING "i yell at him but this didnt seem to faze him "uh i was waiting for you to finish what else would i be doing ! "he said like as if it was a fact "uh yeah i understand that you were waiting but did you have to wait right outside the door imagine if i came outside with no towel and was completely naked "and as i said this he let his eyes trail from my face down my body "YOU PERVET !!!" i screamed and chucked whatever was in my hands at his face all of a sudden my body became colder and wondering why i looked down and shrieked 'I WAS NAKED !! '

i looked up and found my towel on derricks face and he was trying to get it off but it was alot harder when its wet "WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE MY TOWEL FOR !!" he finally took it off his face and instantly his face started turning red i was about to ask why and remembered i was naked i quickly snatched my towel back and ran back into the bathroom slaming the door behind me "oh so you save me from a basement,  drop me on my ass and tell me i stink then you go and take my towel off me when i just came out of the shower your a bloody pervet " i say from the other side of the door i was waiting for an apology but all i got was a laugh , dont get me wrong he had a wonderful laugh but it wasnt the same when he was laughing at you "what you laughing for !"i demanded. he stopped laughing "well first of all i brang you here because your my ..mate and secondly i was only telling you the truth and thirdly i didnt take your towel you chucked it at me remember " and i did remember i had chucked my towel at him when he was checking me out and then i accused him of stealing my towel . i groaned and slapped my forehead 'you idiot ' .

after i was sure he left the room i came out and found a pair of clean shorts and a white singlet on the bed this made me very happy i finally had some clothes the only clothes i ever had before was my dirty white dress that mike had forced me to put on but over the weeks of getting chucked on the floor or getting dragged against it made my dress old and ripped but now i dont need to worry about that because i was safe..with derrick . i finally felt happy .

i was finally away from my fake ass friends away from the asshole of an alpha but what ruined the moment was that i realised i would never be able to see my parents again or my ...  , all of a sudden i smelt something it smelt like metallic which meant it must be blood but there was another scent a scent i had once known but couldnt put my finger on it . i decided to let it go but a howl filled my ears and hearing it broke my heart because this wolf was in pain .. or to be honest it was dying but what made my heart break even more was that it was my brothers blood ....and he was dying

hey guys here is the chapter as promised hope you like it and dont forget to coment or vote also if you like zombies, werewolves and vampires then you gonna like my recent book </3 dead love </3 so dont forget to check it out ok guys luv ya bye bye xoxo

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