time with you

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  • Dedicated to to everyone who votes and comments and reads this book

his wound were bleeding and there wwas nothing around to wrap it with so i did the only thing i could ... i ripped my shirt off

Ruby's POV

i finally finished wrapping his back , it had taken longer than i thought because of his wings but i still managed .i looked up at the sky as it slowly turned darker and darker "shit its getting dark we have no food or shelter or a fire GREAT WE ARE LITERALLY FUCKED !!! I grabbed my body without realising it and remembered that i was in only my shorts and bra so if anyone was to freeze to death first it would probably be me.

* moan*

i jumped 'what the hell was that 'then i remebered that i still had a half dead angel right next to me . i slowly reached toward his slightly glowing skin quickly brushing my fingers across it . His body temperature was getting back to normal which is a good sign but what will happen when he wakes up , i guess he wouldnt hurt me but still.... suddenly i heard a small mumble . i looked down at the angel he was trying to say something, i leaned in closing the gap between us and broought my ear to his mouth "Aurumm..   my.y. name iss.. aurum ... "oh your name is aurum ... thats a strange name .."and in that moment i swear i though i saw him smile.

Aurum's POV

i tried to open my eyes but they felt like rocks had been placed on them so i just layed there listening .For some reason my wounds didnt hurt as much which i still havent figured out why . Just then i could hear my little ruby shouting things i think it was about us being fucked. i then felt a wave of guilt wash over me , its my fault we are stuck here ... hmm i wonder what if she is scared of being on a beach with a unamed stranger maybe it will put her at ease if i mention my name even though its against the heavens laws to reviel your name to a mortal why did it matter now that i was kicked out besides the only place i belong is with her .

i opened my mouth but no sound came out , i tried over and over again and finally i was able to say a few letters . i felt a movemet and could feel her closer to me , i felt more will power in that single moment and this time i was able to say it "Aurumm..   my.y. name iss.. aurum ..." yes i finally said it and barely a second later i heard her say "oh your name is aurum ... thats a strange name .." with the sound of her beautiful voice i smiled, i finally forgot all about my pain all i could think about was her .

After awhile i woke up i must of somehow dozed off but now i was able to open my eyes and move my body . I sat up up body still aching , i looked around and found her sittting near a gathered bunch of stick 'hmm she is trying to make a fire ' i shakily got up and half stumbled towards her , she was shocked when she saw me but as i sat down across froom her i could see she relaxed abit and when i looked at her properly i thought i was going to chock on my embarrassment because she had no shirt ! "uh .. um do you need help "i was trying to make this less uncomfortable than it already is , she starred at me then shouted "IM NOT WEAK I CAN MAKE A FIRE MYSELF "she reached for two sticks and faster than anybody i have seen before started spinning them together "FUCK SPLINTER ! "she dropped the sticks like they were poisonous and brought her thumb to her mouth , i couldnt help but laugh.

A few minutes had passed and now theres was a fire blazing thanks to me , so all we were doing was sitting here taking in our surroundings ,i was happy to be here with her despite our current problem and i was no longer in pain thanks to her , smiling i looked up to her and i didnt feel happy anymore .

She was starring at the fire sadness in her eyes and she was shivering , i knew this was my fault but i had no idea what to do , i couldnt fly for awhile so i had a different idea . I stood up , taking long strides towards her , she didnt look so happy when i got closer but i didnt stop, once i was right infront of her i sat down and reached my long arms towards her "hey what are you... "her sentence was cut off as i pulled her into a tight yet comforting embrace "this is all my fault im so .. "now it was my turn to get cut off because all she said was "i forgive you " she then snuggled closer to me and in response i layed my chin on her soft head "sweet dreams my little ruby "...

sorry 4 late update i have been having dificulties at home so dnt kill me :( anyways enjoy and thnx 4 da reads comment and votes they honestly keep me going but hey dnt stop now :) enjoy

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