Chapter 15

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- Elizabeth -
Everyone goes back to our house after dropping off Brayden and Mitch. Will and I are quiet in the back seat of the car, as Sean and Jordan are playing music.
"Do you think... Maybe, we should tell everyone? About us?" He asks me, a tone of concern in his voice. Oh lord. I take a deep breath.
"Look, I like you... I really do, please know that. But, I feel like there's nothing to tell them. You and I could be together, maybe, but it's only been a week– not even– since I met you. Well, you know what I mean- since the new me met you. In all honesty I barely know you and I feel like in order for us to be official I'd need to know you better." I finish the little speech I had prepared multiple times in my head before this moment and look up at Will. The despair in his eyes is uncanny, and I immediately feel awful for what I just said. But I meant every word, I can't rush into this. Especially since I just met him and I'm leaving him in a day. It's just not something I can commit to.
"I understand. I feel the same way, honestly. But, can we still keep each other in mind? Maybe?"
"Yes, of course. I mean, we still have today."
I'm already missing Brayden and Mitch, they were so funny and fun to be around. Cool guys, really, and I can't wait to see them again soon.
I've been scrolling Instagram and Twitter for a while we are driving back to the place, and Will has his hand on mine in the middle seat. He's looking out the window on his side, looking at nature the same way I did.
I see a picture that Brayden posted on Instagram. It's a group shot of us, all at the airport. He had to stand on a chair to fit everyone and it was pretty funny.
I look closer and see how close Will and I are standing. Ugh, everyone's just gonna assume we're dating now. I mean, the fans don't even know that I forgot everything, and Sean had announced that we were dating months ago!
Wait a minute. Months ago? Oh my god, I remember something from before my memory was wiped! Like, I clearly remember it happening.
But now what? Neither of us had said anything about "breaking up", everyone still thinks we're together. I'm gonna have to talk to Sean about this... Oh boy.
Or maybe I'm just overthinking things, maybe nobody will notice Will and I. It's not a big deal, and I just want to spend the rest of the day with my friends before I have to leave them until the next convention.
Once we pull up back at the house the whole lot of us, like, 16 people or something, pile through the front door and go to the living room. We all just kind of sit around, on our phones or watching TV.
We're a group of YouTubers, what did you expect?
I go and sit between Jordan and Graser, two people I haven't talked to too much.
"So." I say quietly, not trying to draw too much attention. Most of the sound is coming from the TV.
"How are you?" I ask, trying to keep it simple, like I had known them forever.
"I'm good, tired, but good." Graser says.
"I don't wanna go home, honestly, I wanna stay here with you guys since I'm living on my own now." Jordan says. I didn't know he was living on his own, good to know.
"Well, I wanna stay here too. You guys are cool, I just wish I had gotten to know you better." I respond.
"I HAVE AN IDEA." Graser shouts out. "HEY GUYS! Can we do a video, all together? Like Never Have I Ever?"
"Like, IRL?"
"We're all here..."
"I don't see why not."
I hear these and some other things but everyone agrees eventually. I just shrug and make room for everyone else on the couch, noticing everyone that's sitting down.
Somebody, I believe Liam, sets up a tripod in front of the TV and makes sure we're all in frame and then comes and sits down.
"Uh, Elizabeth, why don't you take the intro?"
"Uh, okay. Is it recording?"
"Yeah. Just start."
"Okay. Helloooo everybody! Welcome back to the channel, my name is Elizabeth and I am here with the Cube people!"
Everyone cheers (which I guess is something they do) and then Will starts talking.
He's sitting right next to me, of course. I really like this guy, but for the video and the Cube guys I can't show it. At all.
"So we are doing Never Have I Ever, I think, something like that?" Will says, chuckling.
"Yeah, except whoever runs out of points first gets whip-creamed in the face."
Oh god. Hopefully I can remember some of these things and if not hopefully someone will help me. Here we go.
"Okay, H, you go first." I guess we're all going by our YouTube names. Makes sense...
"Uh, okay." Liam speaks. "Never have I ever rode a horse before."
"I lose a point." Bee is the only one to talk. She says it with a smile, but you can see the fear in her eyes of getting a whipped cream pie to her face.
The game goes on for a while until eventually someone loses- Sean loses!
"Okay, we're gonna move outside so that we don't get it everywhere." Straub says.
"Didn't seem to have a problem with that last year..." Someone mumbles. Everyone laughs including me, I saw the prank video he had posted from another convention. I wasn't there, though.
Everyone gets up and goes outside, pulling out their phones or vlogging cameras and Graser gives me the whipped cream and a paper plate. He's holding the camera we used to record the actual video. Then he starts recording me.
"Okay, so, Grape lost and so he gets whipped cream to the face." I say, slapping the paper plate across his face lightly. He just stands there with an expression that says, you did not just do that.
Everyone laughs and I start covering the plate in whipped cream.
"Oh god, that's a lot." Sean says, looking up nervously. Because I'm a good person I add more.
"Ready? Count me down guys."
Everyone starts counting down from five but at two I smash it in his face. Everyone starts laughing, again. They do a whole lot of that. I take my hand off the plate and it's stuck to his face.
He peels it off after a second and just laughs. He looks so stupid and it's absolutely hilarious.
"Alright, well that is all for this video and that's all for Minecon! I'm so sorry that there weren't any videos out, I was having my own problems but as soon as we're back home everything should be fine. I'll see you-" I point to the camera, like I do during my video outros, but Will grabs the camera from Graser and points it at himself. What a goof.
"Next time!" He finishes off my outro and gives the camera back to Graser.
So, somehow I miraculously remembered my intro and outro. And got to know everyone, literally everyone, here.
"I'll edit this for you and have it to you soon so you can upload it." Graser says to me, smiling. I nod and begin to walk back over to the house when bam- I get hit in the face with a flipping whipped cream plate.
"Are you joking?" I say, laughing and wiping the whipped cream off my face. I look at everyone laughing and see that Sean's the one holding the camera. He got me back!
"You're a loser!" I say with a joyful smile, lightly shoving his shoulder before grabbing the towel he offers me and getting rid of most of the whipped cream and going back inside the house.
Everyone's gone to bed due to having early flights, and it's about 10 PM. Will and I are sitting in my bed, like we have been the past couple nights, both looking at our phones in the dark like everyone else was probably doing.
"I'm tired. Can we go to bed?" I ask, turning my phone off.
"I'm tired too, I just don't want it to be tomorrow. I don't want to leave." He says, putting his phone down as well.
"Yeah, I get it. You're going to be going back to Devon, and I'm gonna be staying in America. I don't want to leave either, I'm really gonna miss you."
It's silent after I say that, and I just cuddle up next to him and try to fall asleep. I can't, I won't let myself do it. I don't want these moments to end– over the past week I have re-met some absolutely amazing people and the fact that I'll only be able to visit one, maybe two, whenever I want really hurts.
Back to day one, not able to fall asleep. And I can't tell if Will falls asleep either, because he keeps moving his arm.
Sigh. Goodbye, Minecon.
The next morning I wake up and just grab my bags and walk out the door. Straub had stayed at this house while Bee stayed at the other, since they were staying they could drive us all to the airport.
I get in the car, the very back and the rest of the house joins me not long after. I don't talk the whole way to the airport.
Once we get to the airport we take a group picture. I smile and stand next to Bee, and some random person takes the picture on my phone.
"Send that to me?" I hear about seven times.
"Look, I'll post it and you all can screenshot and repost. Too many people!" I say chuckling, then opening Instagram and posting the picture with the caption, "Minecon was a blast. I'm gonna miss all my best friends :,c".
After that some people vlog their goodbyes to everyone and I'm being bombarded with hugs.
Everything after that just kind of happens and eventually Sean and I break away from the group to get to our plane.
"Wait, Sean. I'll be right back."
He shrugs and I run over to the group, looking for Will so I can say goodbye one last time.
I find him vlogging and grab his camera.
"BE RIGHT BACK GUYS!" I say and then turning to off and hugging him. He doesn't even say anything, he just hugs me back.
After a minute or so I pull back and look at him, handing him the camera.
"I should probably go..." I say unhappily.
"Alright. I'll text you as soon as I land." He has tears in his eyes.
"Bye Will." I smile at him and walk back over to Sean and we go to board our flight.
When we get back in Washington, the car is still parked where Sean had parked it when we left so we find it quickly.
"I'm gonna stay at your place this first night, just because I don't want you to be too alone." He says. I nod and he starts driving, eventually pulling up to my place and turning off the car. We walk inside.
On that plane, I had a lot of time to think about everything- Sean and I, my friends, YouTube, the girls from In N Out, Will, just everything. It has been a good week of me, new me, and getting a good first impression of everyone.
This trip is definitely something I will never be forgetting.

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