Chapter One

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Yuki’s Pov:

“Oh soft and comfy pillow, will you marry me?” I ask my pillow still half asleep.

“YUKI GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF BED AND GO TO SCHOOL! DON’T MAKE ME FRICKEN COME UP THERE!” My annoying but loving mother shouts from downstairs.

“Stupid arranged marriages.” I say as I get up and change into my school uniform.

I look into the mirror seeing pretty purple eyes stare back at me. I decide to leave my long violet hair out because I am lazy like that.

I check the time on my alarm clock before grabbing my bag and going downstairs.

“8:00.” I say as I shake my head.

“Why do wake up so late hun?” My mother asks as I sit at the dining table with bacon and eggs in front of me the same as always.

“To be honest I have no idea!” I say as I start to eat my breakfast.

Mother gives me a “really” look.

I look at my mum and realize how different I actually look compared to her. I have long violet hair while my mum has short brown. I have purple eyes while my mum has hazel green ones. Now, I know what you’re thinking, I probably look like my dad, but no, he has dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. I sometimes think I was adopted but I always think that can be right, right?

Dad as usual is at work already. Like seriously how the heck do adults wake up so early in the morning? If you haven’t guessed yet I am not a morning person.

I finish my food and kiss mother on the cheek before putting my shoes on and exiting the house.

“See you later hun! Good luck with the job interview!”

“Bye Mum and thanks!”

As I step outside, the sunlight blinds me before my eyes could have adjusted.

“Dam it sun you will be the death of me!” I say to myself as I start to walk to school.

I don’t know why but lately I have become even more sensitive to bright light. Weird right?

Just like my mother said before I have a job interview after school. It’s at a cute cafe in town called-.

"Yuki!" I hear a familiar voice call to me.

I stop walking and turn around and see my childhood friend Shin running to catch up to me.

"Good morning!" He says not even out of breath from that 50 meter run.

"Good morning to you too!" I say back to him with a close eyed smile.

This is my childhood friend Shin. He is 16 and has dark red-brown hair and bright green eyes. He can be a little bit annoying and loud at times but he can be sweet and caring as well. We have known each other since we were 5 and been close ever since.

 "So I see you were in your own little world as usual!" Shin says with a smirk as we start walking again. This time at a quicker pace.

"Oh shut up! I was just thinking about my job interview this afternoon."

"Oh yeah, you never told me what the name of the cafe is called."

"Oh I didn't?" I say with a puzzled look. That's weird I'm sure I would have told him the name already. "Well its-"


"Crap!" Shin and I say at the same time as we rush into the school building.

We both enter our seats just before the teacher comes.

"Phew that was close." I say puffing so only I am able to hear it.

Shin gives me a small smile like giving a response to my statement but that can't be right only I was able to hear it, right? Before I can question any further though our teacher begins the lesson. Time to concentrate!


Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed that beginning! I will be updating really slowly so yeah! And sorry if this chapter is too short. I hope to make my other chapters longer! Anyways happy reading!

Nikki out! :3

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