Chapter Eight

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Hi guys it's Nikki and I am back with some more Vampire Cafe! Like always sorry for not updating for ages but I have been busy. At least I now finally have! Also I have changed Akako's name to Ren. I just thought even though it means red (nudge, nudge wink, wink) it sounds better and I like it more. So in advance sorry if you guys get confused or preferred the other name better! You guys are just going to have to deal with it! XD Anyways thank you guys very much for sticking with this story and reading it and voting it! Well enough of me talking here is the next chapter!


I enter the cafe still confused at what just happened a few minutes ago.

"Who the heck was he and why was he giving me like a death stare?" I think to myself while walking to the change rooms and quickly change into my uniform. "Well no point in worrying right now, its not like i will see him again." I say to myself exiting the change rooms and walking to the main dinning area but before that I run into Cloe.

"Ah Yuki!" Cloe shouts stopping in her tracks while waving to me. "How you been?" She asks politely with a warm smile.

"Cloe seems to be much more friendly towards me. I wonder if it is because I know that everybody is a Vampire? That reminds me I still have lots of questions left to ask everybody."

"Ah good!" I reply. "Should I ask her what type of Vampire she and the others are? I assume that she knows what they are if she has worked her for long enough" Before I could though a new face enters the room.

"Cloe we need help setting-" The man who entered stops talking when he notices that I am in the room too.

"You must be the new girl!" He continued with a smile.

"Oh that's right you two haven't meet before!" Cloe adds. "Lucifer meat Yuki! Yuki meet Lucifer!"

"Its a pleasure to meet you Yuki!" Lucifer adds with his eyes filled with kindness while holding out his hand waiting for a handshake.

"Ah yes it is a pleasure to meet you too!" I reply taking his hand in mine with a kind smile.

But for an odd reason I can't help that something is odd with Lucifer. His dark blue eyes that are slightly covered by his dark blue almost black hair change for a second into something else like he has accomplished something and his smile is more menacing. But it's gone in a flash and I don't even now if what I saw was my imagination or not.

"Well has Cloe informed you what is happening tonight?" Lucifer interrupts me after our handshake.

"No, is something happening tonight? A big event or something like a party?" I respond.

"Wow spot on how did you guess?" Lucifer asks.

"Ah ah just a guess!" I reply. "I just remembered that Shin said something about him having a party. But those two are obviously not connected!"

 "Well anyway you still haven't met the others yet but I am sure you will soon enough! Let's get back to work at set up for tonight." Lucifer explains before leaving through a archway.

"Why don't you go help Louis in the kitchen Yuki." Cloe says turning to me. "Us Vampires do like our sweets!" She finishes with a laugh before walking off.

"I guess I should get going too!"

* * *

I enter the kitchen to find Louis baking away with his back towards me.

"Louis need some help?!" I ask coming up behind him.

"Ah!" Louis shouts nearly dropping the bowl he was mixing in. You turns around relaxing when he sees it is only me. "Shesh it's just you Yuki! You scared the living daylights out of me!" Louis says to me before going back to mixing.

"Ha sorry didn't know you got scared so easily!" I tell him. "But he did get scared back when we first met as well. Oops I better be more careful then. "Well anyways need some help?" I ask again.

"Yep!" Louis answers with a smile shoving ingredients and a recipe in my arms. "That's most of the stuff you need but if you need anything else just let me know!"  Louis explains before going back to baking.

"Wait, what if I didn't know how to cook?! Well no point on thinking like that I should get started." I think to myself while putting all the ingredients down on a cooking bench across Louis. After doing that and finding an apron for me to wear I finally take a look at the recipe. "Mm Black Forest Cake seems easy enough." I think to myself as I start preparing the cake. As I am baking I notice Louis eyeing me with a surprised expression.

"So you do know how to cook!" Louis says starting a conversation with me.

"Well why else would I want to help you silly! If I didn't know how to cook what help would I be!" I respond with a giggle making Louis embarrassed.

"Well then you have any questions then?"

I eye him with a confused look this time? "About cooking?" I ask continuing on with my work.

"No about us silly! I thought that Ren didn't tell you everything about us Vampires before!" Louis ends with him chuckling this time.

This time I'm embarrassed. "Cough, well then I have been wondering what type are you?"

"That's an easy one all of us that work here are Half Bloods! Well not all of us..."

"Does that include Ren then?" I interrupt him as well as stop cooking.

"Eh he hasn't told you yet... well then you are going to have to pester him to!" Louis says with a playful smirk.

"You could just tell me! Besides you are making it a big deal out of it! Sigh he is a Pure Blood isn't he." I wonder putting on the decoration of the cake.

"Well anyways it used to be all Half Bloods till you came around! I am still surprised he let you work here." Louis adds drifting into his thoughts.

"I feel like there is a deeper reason behind that..." I think to myself but snapping out of it before I get too thoughtful about it, "I will just force him to tell me later!" "Well anyways may I ask why you guys don't have any normal Vampires working here?"

Louis looks at me weird. "He really hasn't told you anything huh."

"Well it-it was still a shock to me so-so you cant really blame him!" I blurb out without thinking.

Louis laughs. "Well I guess I should try to fill you in." He starts with a smile but going serious in a flash. "Well I take it you know that Pure Bloods can turn humans into Vampires right?"

I nod letting him go on.

"Well back in the day, well I say back in the day but I mean AGES ago, there was a huge war." Louis looks at me awaiting my decision to go on or not.

"It couldn't hurt could it?" I nod anyway.

"A war between Vampires and Vampire Hunters..."


Oh yeah another chapter done! Also next chapter we are going to have a history lesson about Vampires! You excited guys! (No one answers) *Cough* Well anyways stay tuned for the next chapter and I should be able to update before the end of the month.

So enough about that how has your year been so far? Got any new years resolutions? One of mine is to finish Vampire Cafe before the year ends. Hopefully I can accomplish that and if not it just means it is going to be longer than expected!

Well that's all for now! As always if there is a mistake somewhere please let me know! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I will see you guys next time!

Nikki out! :3

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