Chapter Three

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Wow I got more reads than expected and even a comment! Thank you guys very much for supporting me! Sorry if I take a long time to update and I hope to make my chapters longer! Oh and I added a little part to chapter 2. Anyways here's the next one!


"Wow you don't look half bad!" Cloe says to me after I got changed into the maid uniform.

 "Um thanks?" I say to her. “Man I am probably blushing right now! Stupid Ren for sending that stupid letter!

“Oh you are probably wondering what letter I am talking about right now. Well, you see a few days ago on a lovely Saturday morning... you know what screw this shit. Long story short I got a letter informing me some cafe is looking for workers and they would pay me a good amount. I needed the money so I thought I should take the opportunity.”

"Well come on I need to show you around." Cloe says, now with an annoyed expression. “She obviously does not like me. I wonder why? I mean I didn't even do anything to her. Well she is probably annoyed she has to do extra work. Sigh, people these days.”

I follow her around as she shows me where everything is. This place is bigger than expected! I mean the cafe looked really little on the outside.

"Now, let me explain your shifts." Cloe tells me as we are back to the place where we started.

"You start at 3:30 to 6:00 any day you can okay, no later than 7."

"But, its 6 already and how come no one was here are we closed today or something?" I say as I look around. If I remember correctly there was a closed sign on the front door.

"Oh right, totally forgot, you are not working today." Cloe says to me having a happier face as she says this.

"But wait didn't Ren say I would be working today?" I say totally confused.

"There is no way some human is working here after 7!" Cloe shouts at me totally getting pissed.

Wait, the way she said human, isn’t she one too?

Cloe goes silent for a moment and then puts on an annoyed face before turning to me. "Look, just stay in the kitchen and if there is anything that needs to be served come out, but give it to me straight away got it!" Cloe says with a stern look.

"Ah yeah, got it!" I say. Wow she looks pretty scary when she is serious!

"Man, if only those guys were here!" Cloe mumbles to herself as she walks off somewhere.

"Oh right guess I'll go to the kitchen!" I say to myself.

Just before I enter the archway to the kitchen I see a portrait that I didn't notice before. The portrait was of a man and a woman.

The man was standing nice and straight and had short, dark, red hair and dark, mysterious, red eyes. He looks like he is in his early 30's but the woman who was next to him sitting on a chair looked like in her early 20's. She had long, gorgeous, violet hair and kind but serious purple eyes. She... she looked like me or should I say I looked like her.

Before I can think more into this matter though, I hear a crashing sound coming from the kitchen. So I decide to investigate.

"What happened in-" Before I could finish my sentence though I slip on what looks like red wine and fall on the white tilled ground hard on my arse.

"Ow!" I shout. “Okay who spilt the wine on the fricking floor!

"Ah! Yuki are you okay?" Louis asks me as he lends out a hand.

"Thanks!" I say with a smile but disappeared with a frown. "Who did this?" I shout pointing to the floor.

"I'm so sorry!" One of the chefs says to me bowing down low.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" He keeps saying over and over.

"Okay! Okay I forgive you!" I say waving my hands around.

"Um, Yuki?" Louis says.

"Yeah what is it?"

Louis points to the back of my dress and I can already guess what he is trying to say.

Sigh "I'm going to change!" I say walking out of the kitchen annoyed.

* * *

"Thank god there was a spare uniform!" I say to myself as I exit the change rooms.

"Ah Yuki there you are!" Ren says as he walks over to me.

"Something wrong Ren?" I ask.

"I would like you to wear this necklace please!" Ren says as he gives me a beautiful pendant no bigger than your thumb nail with a purple Amethyst surrounded in little, clear diamonds.

"Ah I can't accept-"

"I will explain later why I want you to wear this but right now can you just wear it?" Ren say with a smile.

"It will look good on you!" He continues.

"Ah, okay!" I say, as I put it on while blushing bright red.

"Now off to the kitchen you, it's nearly time to open!" Ren says walking off.

"Ah right! Thank you again Ren!" I say as I bow and blush even more, but he is long gone.


Yay another chapter done! I hope this is getting interesting guys! Please tell me if I need to improve on something too! Anyways Happy Reading!

Nikki out! :3

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