Chapter Ten

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My body freezes still and my mind goes blank like a white sheet of paper. I blink a few times thinking I just imagined what was in front of me but it doesn’t change the situation. “Does-does that mean Shin-

Suddenly I feel a rough push against my back and I am flung forward to the floor, with the tray hitting the floor as well beside me. I land in front of the table attracting some attention from the Half-Bloods sitting there.

“I am deeply sorry miss-“

A loud sound fills the room interrupting the man who was apologizing probably for the push from before. A sound of glass shattering. I look up and make eye contact with him. Those vibrant green eyes I trusted so much since- since forever! And now, now I don’t know what to believe. Was everything I believed a lie? Was everything he WAS a lie?

I don’t dare linger any longer however. I need air to think so I quickly get up leaving the tray behind and push my way through the crowds that was forming in front of the table. Deciding not to worry the guests too much, in a loud and clear voice I speak. “I am sorry for the inconvenience. I will quickly go and clean the mess. Please continue like normal and enjoy tonight, thank you.”

After finishing my sudden speech I am already across the room and exciting through an archway. I don’t dare look back because I know he would be following right behind me.

An arm however suddenly grabs me and I turn to find Cloe with a confused expression.

“Air.” Is all I manage to say and she gives me a nod letting me go and hopefully going to clean the mess I had made a few moments before. I continue walking finding no more interruptions. Finally at the front doors I give a push and I am out in the cold air.

I lean against the café wall letting some weight of my body off from my legs. They feel almost like jelly and even if I tried I probably couldn’t walk anymore. I sigh and breathe in and out heavily. It was getting very hot and stuffy in there but before I know it I am shivering from the cold. A maid outfit isn’t the warmest thing you could wear right now.

Chuckling slightly the door opens beside me quite quickly and the person I most didn’t want to see right now came out. I lower my head with my small smile from before disappearing from my face. I quietly prepare myself on what could happen next.

“Yu-Yuki!” Shin shouts walking until he was a few feet away from me.

“Yuki I!” He says reaching out to me but I press my back backwards as much as I can against the wall making a clear statement.

“Yuki…” Shin says my name again however softly and with a touch of sadness. I bet now if I looked at his face I would break down and hug him but I mustn’t, not until I have answers.

I take a deep breath and look up at him. Luckily he lowered his head too so his face was covered by his hair. But I just couldn’t help but smile at him. He still looked handsome in his attire and I feel the light from the moon made him even… this isn’t helping the situation. I let out a small chuckle accidently and I knew he heard it.

Before I knew it we both were laughing a little. However as quickly as it came we stopped and silence filled the air once more. I didn’t know how to start the conversation but Shin beat me to it. Not as I expected though.

“You look quite pretty in that outfit you know.” Shin states with a smirk and I am almost tempted to playfully hit him but I hold back. A smile however escapes from my lips.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I reply but I decide I should not dodge the subject any longer.

"So this is what you meant in party?"

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