Chapter Five

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I freeze. Not daring to move any further. 

This whole room is filled with Vampires! That can’t be! Vampires don’t exist, only in books and movies!” I try to convince myself in my head.

But then again it would make sense.

* * *

"Eh, but why would we- Never mind come inside then!"

 "There is no way some Human is working here after 7!"

 "Is it of the finest blood?"

 "Sigh, I didn't expect someone to actually try to feed off you."

* * *


Then what does this mean?


Does that mean everyone I met so far is… is also a Vampire?


I look up to where my name is being called out from. Ren. He looks at me with a worried expression.

So you’re a Vampire too huh?

I realize we are still holding hands. But instead of blushing I am confused.

Aren’t Vampires usually cold and like… dead? Then why is Ren’s hand so warm?” I look up to meet with his face again. He has a small, kind smile on.

Great now I am probably blushing!

“Come on.” He starts to say while tugging at my hand lightly.

“We can talk in my office. It’s safer there!”

I don’t know why but… but I feel like I can trust him.

“Ok” I whisper, following Ren once again to what appears to be the way to his office.

But before we go through the archway I turn to see where Cloe is. She is standing now totally fine. She even has an apology look on her face, I return with a smile trying to tell her I am alright. She looks like she got the message but…

But for some reason, it feels like something terrible inside me has begun to awaken.

* * *

I walk into what seems like Ren's office. The walls are a light creamy colour and there are different coloured mats all around. His desk is at the back of the room and is very neat and tidy, with only a few things on it. There are even a couple of long windows with some black curtains hiding the outside world.

"Have a seat!" Ren suggests as he pours me a glass of water from a jug that was on the desk.

I sit down on the chair in front of his desk and make myself comfortable. Ren hands me the water with some ice and I take a sip.

"Well then, you probably already guessed what we are!" Ren begins to say.

"Vampires..." I respond staring into the half-filled glass.

"I still don't want to believe it!" I argue with myself while seeing my saddened face reflect back at me from the water.

I shake my head. "I need to be more positive! Have more colour for god's sake Yuki!"

I look up and into Ren's eyes. I stare with more colour and happiness. He smiles back at me, probably happy that I have turned back into my normal self.

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