Chapter Nine

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"A war between Vampires and Vampire Hunters." Louis tells me with a serious expression.

"Now I am interested!" I put all my attention towards Louis now.

"Now before I get too much into detail can you guess what a Vampire Hunter is?" Louis asks me wiping his hands on his apron.

"Someone who hunts Vampires?" I respond tilting my head slightly to one side.

"Yes!" Louis nods. "Vampires are very powerful and may I might add not all of us are kind to humans." Louis eyes me. I clearly understand what he is trying to imply so I give him a reassuring nod.

Louis gives me a warm smile before continuing. "Good, well then like I said Vampires are powerful beings and a normal human cannot harm us in any way. This was a problem back then when some people started to find out about us. People...” Louis stops for a moment folding his arms. "You could say were terrified of us. I mean what it would feel like to find out that someone you knew was a servant of the devil!"

"I think they would want to kill themselves first." Of cause I don’t say this out loud and let Louis continue.

"People started to get worried. Was it the end of the world? Was this punishment from god for our sins? Well, let’s just say it wasn’t a good time then." He rubs his head. "It was a pretty bad time since that was when the slaughtering happened..."

I shiver slightly. Slaughtering?

"Well! That’s was when Vampire Hunters first came into existence!" Louis exclaims somewhat happier than before. At least with a smile on his face that may or may not be a fake one.

I nod, signaling that I am following, with a sore head I might add.

"Well to be honest Vampire Hunters are not much different from the average human. They... how should I put it, in the beginning they were just humans with a new weapon, a new toy. That toy is was what was deadly to us."

"Was, was the weapons they used made of a, a special metal?" I interrupt. It was just something Ren mentioned before.

Louis looked a little taken back. "Yes, yes it was. That’s was solemnly the reason we were afraid of them. That metal held magic that you could say we were allergic to. Well only if we were to obtain a wound from it."

"Like, like a bullet wound or from a, a sword?" I ask scratching my head trying to figure this all out.

"You are very smart you know that Yuki!" Louis gives me a smile and laugh with his words. I laugh and blush slightly. That doesn't mean I’m going to remember all this.

"Yes that is what they would use to fight against us. However just because they had these weapons did not mean they knew had to use them. It took them awhile before they actually became a big threat to us. But to us it was a first. No one opposed us before and we were quite shocked and confused."

Louis sighs before turning his head my direction. "Are you absorbing all of this Yuki?"

"Ah, well let’s just say you might want to work on your teaching skills first before wanting to apply for a job as a teacher somewhere.”

He laughs. "Still have a sense of humor! That’s good!"

"So... I’m getting an idea where you are heading but..."

"We needed more vampires." He interrupts bluntly.

"Huh?" I look at Louis hoping for a better explanation.

"There was a big difference between Vampires and humans and that was the population. Even though it may seem like we are the stronger race, not only do the humans have power that could nearly match our own they had more of a population than us."

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